Tyler1 reveals awkward encounter after meeting Riot CEO for first time

tyler1 meets riot games ceo and calls league of legends lol trashRiot Games, Twitch: tyler1

League of Legends icon and Twitch star, Tyler ‘Tyler1’ Steinkamp, finally met Riot Games CEO, but it turns out he was less than impressed on the streamer’s take on LoL.

Anyone who has ever followed League of Legends knows about Tyler1. Notorious for his explosive outbursts and hilarious lack of filter, he’s become an icon within the LoL community.

It turns out that Riot know that just as well as the fanbase does. The musclebound streamer was invited to the Global Premier event for Arcane, League’s new animated Netflix show, where he was introduced to Riot Games’ CEO, Nicolo Laurent.

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The chance meeting didn’t go exactly as planned, though, as Tyler made a joke about his game of choice that fell a little bit flat.

league of legends lol tyler1 at arcane global premier meets Riot Games CEOTwitch: Riot Games
Tyler1 was spotted amid the crowds at Arcane’s Global Premier.

Tyler1 tells Riot CEO he “hates League of Legends”

Recalling the meeting during a 9 November stream, he explains that he decided to jokingly slam League in front of Riot’s CEO.

Noting that Laurent reminded him of the actor who plays William Fisk in the Netflix adaption of Marvel’s Daredevil, he states that “he walked up to me and I was like ‘oh, what’s up bro.’ He was like ‘yooo,’ he was smiling. He was like ‘yo, nice to meet you, I’m the CEO of Riot.”

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Taking this moment to greet Laurent in true Tyler1 style, he responded “I was like ‘what’s up dude, your game’s f**ing trash – I hate League of Legends!'” This didn’t quite elicit the chuckle he hoped for, though, as he describes Laurent’s expression as going from a beaming grin to vague irritation almost instantly.

“I was like ‘oop, just kidding brother, I love League of Legends!’ He was like ‘yes, I know you do, I know you do.’ I was like ‘oop!'”

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Going on to explain that “he’s a big dude actually,” and that “he’s pretty nice though,” we’re sure Laurent will forgive Tyler’s sassy attempt at humor. Either way, we wish we’d been there to see it!