TSM fans call for transparency amid reported financial struggles

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Fans of TSM have called for some level of transparency from the organization in terms of its decision-making around the LCS roster as the company is reportedly experiencing financial struggles.

In a post on the TSM subreddit, a fan of the organization called for transparency from the company about what is going on behind the scenes with its LCS roster. The poster explained how TSM’s upper brass, namely CEO Andy ‘Reginald’ Dinh and General Manager of Esports Jeff Chau, has offered no “real info” about why the LCS roster is the way it is despite refuting information revealed by LCS content creator Travis Gafford.

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“I would be 100% more bought into TSM if they just said, ‘Look, we have no money so we have to run this roster,’ instead of just not saying anything or talking nonsense,” the fan said.

In late 2022, Reginald posted on the TSM subreddit that he wanted to “double down” on the organization’s investment in the LCS. He later revealed that such plans had fallen through, and promised that an update was forthcoming, citing “business/legal reasons” for his prolonged silence.

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A March 31 report from the Sports Business Journal claimed that TSM are ceasing some of their esports divisions amid the financial struggles that the esports industry is experiencing. The report added that TSM are also considering selling their spot in the LCS.

TSM fans ask for transparency as financial woes hit org

The post has gained a lot of traction on the TSM subreddit, with a number of fans agreeing with the need for transparency and others saying that the writing is on the wall for the LCS.

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“What transparency do you exactly need? I think the message has been clear. LCS is not in a good place. If you do not see that, maybe that’s why things have not been clear,” one user said.

The LCS has put up low viewership numbers across the board to start off 2023, and one of its founding teams, CLG, had its slot in the league recently absorbed by NRG Esports.

For the 2023 LCS Spring Split, TSM fielded a roster of mostly league and international journeymen with little recent acclaim and finished in seventh place. For the Summer Split, the rumored roster is not expected to be much of an improvement.

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