The Jungle: Told You! T1 Were Overrated! | MSI 2022 Review

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In the grand final of MSI 2022, RNG were crowned champions after a five-game series versus T1, leaving lots of uncertainty around the future of LoL’s No.2 team, according to world rankings.

In this week’s The Jungle episode, the gang talk about T1 and their shortcomings at MSI 2022, after going in as hot favorites to beat Royal Never Give Up (RNG) in the final… But ultimately fell under pressure against the third-time champions.

On this week’s episode of The Jungle, hosts Christopher ‘MonteCristo’ Mykles, Daniel ‘DGon’ Gonzales, and Cristian ‘IWDominate’ Rivera continued their previous discussion surrounding T1 and their problems.

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T1: Draft changes need to be made!

One of the biggest changes T1 are suggested to make is an urgent change to their draft picks ahead of upcoming matches, due to their current draft falling short based on their inaccurate meta-analysis, according to MonteCristo.

MonteCristo gave his thoughts on T1’s draft, and how it doesn’t suit the team: “I think this (MSI) composition is very risky. You can win with it, but I don’t think T1 are the team that will win with it. They didn’t have enough versions of that composition in order to play this out.”

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IWDominate also commented: “T1 didn’t adapt at all throughout the series [MSI]. Are there really no f***ing responses to the champions being picked, I don’t believe it.”

T1 lifting the trophy after winning MSI 2022T1 lifting the trophy after winning MSI 2022

MSI 2022 has heavily remained a team-fight meta throughout, and instead of correctly building to counteract the tournament’s active meta, T1 chose to make some unexpected picks, ultimately cornering them into unbeatable team fights, and causing them to underperform mid-game, according to The Jungle hosts.

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T1’s “limited knowledge”

Another major weakness of T1, according to MonteCristo, is the visible lack of game knowledge evident by coach Choi ‘Polt’ Seong-hun, due to his short career in League Of Legends. MonteCristo added: “Polt’s LoL knowledge isn’t that good, he hasn’t been around long enough…”

IWDominate recently brought Polt’s draft selection into the spotlight, after making a misinformed excuse at the event’s press conference following the final, stating: “The team that could choose sides all chose the blue side and won. I believe that the blue side is advantageous. We tried to prepare as much as we could from the red side, but we weren’t able to win the match.”

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Following this comment, MonteCristo doubled down on his thoughts, commenting: “He is very limited in his knowledge of the game, as he hasn’t been around that long. It’s only relatively recently that he has got into League of Legends… I would take what Polt says with a grain of salt.”

Discover More: T1 CEO Joe Marsh responds to coaching criticisms after MSI 2022