Every TFT Set 7.5 champion & trait added in Uncharted Realms Mid-Set update

Swain in TFT Set 7.5Riot Games

TFT Set 7.5 is here with Uncharted Realms shaking up the champion, Dragon, and trait roster for the second half of Dragonlands. Learn about all the new units, who’s left the roster, and more right here.

The Dragonlands are undergoing a transformation in TFT Set 7.5 as Uncharted Realms shapes up to be Riot’s biggest Mid-Set yet. Nearly half the roster is changing, and that’s on top of system changes to the Treasure Dragon, items, and more.

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There’ll be plenty of variation in the meta ⁠— including a change in how players build around Dragons thanks to some key updates⁠— with all the new champions and traits now in play. 

Get to know all the new units and their traits as TFT Set 7.5 goes live right here, as well as the ones Riot removed in the Uncharted Realms Mid-Set update.

TFT Set 7.5 keyartRiot Games
Set out on the Uncharted Realms in TFT Set 7.5 with a new roster of champions, Dragons, and traits.

New TFT Set 7.5 champions & Dragons

TFT Set 7.5 will introduce players to 18 new champions and five new Dragons, as well as one major rework to Swain. The total number of dragons increasing to 12 might be daunting, but they’re no longer meant to be played as unique units in a comp but rather mixed and matched as a vertical trait.

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There’s still no Rammus in the line-up, but Nilah is making her TFT debut as a four-cost Lagoon Assassin. Bel’Veth’s exclusion does mean Rammus at least has a buddy joining him in the “No TFT Club”, but given she was released in League of Legends after Dragonlands went live it’s still a bit of a sting for the Armordillo.

You can find all the new TFT Set 7.5 champions and Dragons below.

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Aphelios in TFT Set 7.5Riot Games


  • Cost: 2 gold
  • Traits: Darkflight Cannoneer
  • Ability — Binding Eclipse: Aphelios uses his Infernum cannon to blast bolts in a cone towards his target, each dealing physical damage (259/270/279% Attack Damage) to the first enemy hit. Enemies can only take damage from one bolt. Then he uses his Gravitum cannon to stun all enemies hit for 1/1.5/2 seconds.
Graves in TFT Set 7.5Riot Games


  • Cost: 4 gold
  • Traits: Tempest Cannoneer
  • Ability — Quickdraw
    • Passive: Graves’ attacks spread in a cone of 4 bullets in front of him, each striking the first enemy hit for 80/85/300% of his Attack Damage.
    • Active: Graves dashes towards his target, quickly fires two attacks, and grants himself Armor and Magic Resist for 4 seconds.
Jax in TFT Set 7.5Riot Games


  • Cost: 2 gold
  • Traits: Jade Shimmerscale Bruiser
  • Ability — Counter Strike: Jax dodges all incoming attacks for 2 seconds, then strikes all nearby enemies, dealing magic damage and stunning them for 1/1.2/1.5 seconds.
Jayce in TFT Set 7.5Riot Games


  • Cost: 4 gold
  • Traits: Guild Shapeshifter
  • Ability — Mercurial Justice: Jayce transforms to his melee form, replacing his Ability with Mercury Judgement. He then slams the ground around his target, dealing magic damage and knocking up enemies for 1.5 seconds in a large area.
    • Mercury Judgement: Leaps into the air, gaining 250/350/800 and an additional 100 health shield per nearby enemy for 3 seconds, then smashes the ground, dealing damage in a large area.
Kai'Sa in TFT Set 7.5Riot Games


  • Cost: 2 gold
  • Traits: Lagoon Dragonmancer
  • Ability ⁠— Tidal Burst: Kai’Sa fires 4 missiles split between her target and up to 2 other targets within her attack range that each deal magic damage. This increases by 2 missiles each cast, up to 12. When at maximum missiles, each missiles deals 10% more damage.
Lux in TFT Set 7.5Riot Games


  • Cost: 2 gold
  • Traits: Astral Mage
  • Ability ⁠— Cosmic Spark: Lux fires a star towards the farthest enemy, dealing magic damage to the first enemy struck, and less magic damage to subsequent enemies.
Malphite in TFT Set 7.5Riot Games


  • Cost: 1 gold
  • Traits: Lagoon Bruiser
  • Ability ⁠— Coral Shield: Malphite shields himself for 5 seconds.
Nasus in TFT Set 7.5Riot Games


  • Cost: 1 gold
  • Traits: Shimmerscale Guardian
  • Ability ⁠— Fury of the Dawn: Nasus surrounds himself in light for 6 seconds, gaining 350/550/750 maximum health and dealing magic damage to adjacent enemies every second.
Nilah in TFT Set 7.5Riot Games


  • Cost: 4 gold
  • Traits: Lagoon Assassin
  • Ability ⁠— Slipstream: Nilah cracks her whip-blade at her target, dashing through them and dealing physical damage (185/225/400% Attack Damage). If this does damage to a shield, she steals 80/100/300% of the damage she deals to it. If her target is shielded or killed, she instantly recasts.
Nomsy in TFT Set 7.5Riot Games


  • Cost: 6 gold
  • Traits: Prodigy Dragon Mage / Cannoneer / Evoker
  • Ability ⁠— Fireballs!: Nomsy bellows, lobbing a massive fireball towards her current target that explodes on impact, dealing magic damage to enemies within 1 hex, and bouncing additional fireballs outward that deal 50/60/69% of the damage.
Pantheon in TFT Set 7.5Riot Games


  • Cost: 4 gold
  • Traits: Whispers Warrior
  • Ability ⁠— Aegis Assault
    • Passive: Pantheon takes 20/25/40% less damage.
    • Active: Pantheon braces his shield for 2 seconds, doubling the effectiveness of his passive and dealing physical damage (300% Attack Damage) in the area in front of him over the duration. Enemies hit have their incoming healing reduced by 50% for 3 seconds.
Rakan in TFT Set 7.5Riot Games


  • Cost: 3 gold
  • Traits: Ragewing Guardian Mystic
  • Ability ⁠— Disarming Diversion: Rakan dashes to the furthest enemy within his attack range, disarming all units he passes through for 1.2/1.5/2 seconds, and taunting his target. Then for 4 seconds, Rakan creates a shield on himself and his attacks grant him an additional shield.
Rell in TFT Set 7.5Riot Games


  • Cost: 2 gold
  • Traits: Darkflight Cavalier
  • Ability ⁠— Iron Bond: Rell forms a tether between herself and her lowest percent health ally, dealing magic damage to all enemies between herself and her bound ally. She also grants herself and her bound ally 50/70/100% of Rell’s current Armor and Magic Resist for 4 seconds.
Rengar in TFT Set 7.5Riot Games


  • Cost: 3 gold
  • Traits: Darkflight Assassin
  • Ability ⁠— Unseen Predator: Rengar leaps to the lowest armor enemy, dealing physical damage and gaining Attack Speed for 1 second.
Seraphine in TFT Set 7.5Riot Games


  • Cost: 3 gold
  • Traits: Lagoon Evoker Mystic
  • Ability ⁠— Serenade of the Seas: Seraphine sings a serenade of the seas, granting a shield and magic damage on attacks to all allies within 2 hexes for 5 seconds.
Sohm in TFT Set 7.5Riot Games


  • Cost: 7 gold
  • Traits: Lagoon Mage Dragon
  • Ability ⁠— Tideblossom: Sohm sends out a tide to an unmarked target, marking them with a Tideblossom and dealing magic damage to enemies along the way. Tideblossoms transfer to a nearby target if the enemy dies. After 3 casts, his next cast instead summons a vortex under each Tideblossom, dealing magic damage to enemies in the area.
Swain in TFT Set 7.5Riot Games

Swain, Dragon Tyrant

  • Cost: 7 gold
  • Traits: Darkflight Dragon
  • Ability ⁠— Dragon Master’s Decree: Swain releases his dragonling flock, launching 8 dragonlings toward nearby enemies that each deal magic damage to their target, then return to Swain and heal him for 9% of his missing Health.
Taliyah in TFT Set 7.5Riot Games


  • Cost: 1 gold
  • Traits: Lagoon Mage
  • Ability ⁠— Flowing Volley: Taliyah throws 3 seastones at her target, each dealing magic damage to the first enemy hit.
Terra in TFT Set 7.5Riot Games


  • Cost: 8 gold
  • Traits: Monolith Dragon
  • Ability ⁠— Earthquake: Terra stomps three times causing an earthquake around them, dealing physical damage (150/250/4000% of their combined Armor and Magic Resist plus 200% of their Attack Damage). At the end of the earthquake Terra’s scales are hardened for 8 seconds, granting Armor and Magic Resist.
Wukong in TFT Set 7.5Riot Games


  • Cost: 1 gold
  • Traits: Jade Warrior
  • Ability ⁠— Crushing Blow: Wukong slams his target with his staff, dealing physical damage and stunning them for 1/1.2/1.5 seconds.
Zac in TFT Set 7.5Riot Games


  • Cost: 2 gold
  • Traits: Lagoon Guardian
  • Ability ⁠— Unstable Current: Zac explodes outward towards enemies within 2 hexes, dealing a percentage of their maximum Health as magic damage and healing himself.
Zeri in TFT Set 7.5Riot Games


  • Cost: 3 gold
  • Traits: Lagoon Cannoneer
  • Ability ⁠— Watershock Laser: Zeri fires a water pulse filled with electricity at the closest enemy within 2 hexes, otherwise at the enemy that is closest to the center of the board. The pulse explodes on contact, physical damage and creating a laser behind the target that deals magic damage to all enemies hit.
Zippy in TFT Set 7.5Riot Games


  • Cost: 6 gold
  • Traits: Guild Dragon
  • Ability ⁠— Somersault Assault: Zippy shields himself for for 3 seconds and somersaults toward the highest percent health enemy, dealing physical damage and knocking them back slightly.
Zyra in TFT Set 7.5Riot Games


  • Cost: 2 gold
  • Traits: Whispers Evoker
  • Ability ⁠— Grasping Spines: Zyra summons vines in the row with the most enemies, dealing magic damage and stunning them for 1/1.2/1.5 seconds.

Returning champions & Dragons in TFT Set 7.5

Ao Shin splash art in TFT Set 7

Ao Shin

  • Cost: 8 gold
  • Traits: Tempest Dragon
  • Ability ⁠— Lightning Rain: Ao Shin fires a barrage of 20 lightning strikes at random enemies. Each strike deals 250/400/2500 magic damage and drains 20 Mana from his target.
Aurelion Sol splash art in TFT Set 7

Aurelion Sol

  • Cost: 8 gold
  • Traits: Astral Evoker Dragon
  • Ability ⁠— Black Hole: Aurelion Sol summons an unstable black hole underneath a random enemy. After 2 seconds it implodes, dealing 160/240/2500 magic damage to all enemies in the area and reducing their Attack Damage by 40 for 5 seconds. Each cast the area increases by 50% and damage by increases by 200.
Bard splash art in TFT Set 7


  • Cost: 5 gold
  • Traits: Guild Mystic Bard
  • Ability ⁠— Unstable Portal: Bard sends magical energy toward the largest group of enemies, stunning them for 1.5/2/15 seconds and causing them to take 15/20/9999% increased damage while stunned. If he hits at least 1 enemy, Bard dances in celebration.
Braum splash art in TFT Set 7


  • Cost: 2 gold
  • Traits: Scalescorn Guardian
  • Ability ⁠— Unbreakable: Braum puts up his shield for 4 seconds, reducing damage taken from that direction by 60/70/80%.
Daeja splash art in TFT Set 7


  • Cost: 7 gold
  • Traits: Mirage Dragon
  • Ability ⁠— Echo Wind
    • Passive: Daeja’s attacks launch three barrages that each deal 30/45/200 bonus magic damage and reduce the target’s Magic Resist by 5.
    • Active: Daeja sends a wind blast toward the largest group of enemies, dealing 225/350/1500 magic damage.
Diana splash art in TFT Set 7


  • Cost: 3 gold
  • Traits: Scalescorn Assassin
  • Ability ⁠— Pale Cascade: Diana shields herself for 350/400/500 for 6 seconds and summons 5/6/7 orbs around her. These orbs burst for 80/90/100 magic damage when they hit an enemy. When the final orb bursts, her shield refreshes.
Ezreal splash art in TFT Set 7


  • Cost: 1 gold
  • Traits: Tempest Swiftshot
  • Ability ⁠— Mystic Shot: Ezreal fires an energy bolt towards his target. The first enemy hit takes 155/215/285 magic damage and grants Ezreal 10% bonus Attack Speed, stacking up to 5 times.
Gnar splash art in TFT Set 7


  • Cost: 2 gold
  • Traits: Jade Shapeshifter
  • Ability ⁠— Mega Gnar: Gnar transforms into Mega Form, jumping to his target and knocking up nearby enemies for 1 second. Gnar also gains 30/50/80 Attack Damage and 30/40/60 Armor, but reduces his Attack Range to 1.
Hecarim splash art in TFT Set 7


  • Cost: 4 gold
  • Traits: Ragewing Cavalier
  • Ability ⁠— Onslaught of Shadows: Hecarim summons spectral riders that charge through his target, dealing 150/250/1000 magic damage and stunning enemies hit for 1.5/2/8 seconds.
Heimerdinger splash art in TFT Set 7


  • Cost: Nomsy summon
  • Traits: Mage
  • Ability ⁠— Egg Toss: Heimerdinger lobs an egg at the highest percent Health enemy, dealing magic damage and stunning them for 0.5 seconds.
Idas splash art in TFT Set 7


  • Cost: 7 gold
  • Traits: Shimmerscale Guardian Dragon
  • Ability ⁠— Golden Scales: Idas hardens her scales for 2 seconds, reducing incoming damage by 35/50/300. She then roars, healing herself for 400/550/2500 Health and shielding other allies for 180/275/2000 for 5 seconds. The shield grants 30% attack speed while it holds.
Karma splash art in TFT Set 7


  • Cost: 1 gold
  • Traits: Jade Dragonmancer
  • Ability ⁠— Inner Flame: Karma fires a burst of energy towards her target, dealing 200/275/350 magic damage in a small area around the first enemy hit.
Lee Sin splash art in TFT Set 7

Lee Sin

  • Cost: 3 gold
  • Traits: Tempest Dragonmancer
  • Ability ⁠— Dragon’s Rage: Lee Sin kicks his target, stunning them for 1.5 seconds and knocking them back. The target and all enemies they hit take 280/360/480 magic damage.
Leona splash art in TFT Set 7


  • Cost: 1 gold
  • Traits: Mirage Guardian
  • Ability ⁠— Solar Barrier: Leona creates a barrier around herself, reducing all incoming damage by 30/40/80 for 4 seconds.
Lillia splash art in TFT Set 7


  • Cost: 2 gold
  • Traits: Scalescorn Cavalier Mage
  • Ability ⁠— Watch Out!: Lillia strikes a small area around her target’s current location, dealing 215/275/350 magic damage spread among all enemies hit and 150/225/350 bonus magic damage to the enemy at the center of the blast.
Lulu splash art in TFT Set 7


  • Cost: Nomsy summon
  • Traits: Evoker
  • Ability ⁠— Whimsy: Lulu enchants the 2 units nearest to her. Enchanted allies gain bonus Attack Speed for 5 seconds. Enchanted enemies are stunned and transformed into a docile feline for 1 seconds, taking 20% increased damage. If there are less than 2 units nearby, Lulu will enchant herself.
Nidalee splash art in TFT Set 7


  • Cost: 1 gold
  • Traits: Astral Shapeshifter
  • Ability ⁠— Primal Surge: Nidalee transforms into Cougar Form for the rest of combat, reducing her Attack Range to 1 and gaining bonus movement speed and 45% Attack Speed. While in Cougar Form, every 3rd attack swipes her target for bonus physical damage.
Nunu splash art in TFT Set 7


  • Cost: 3 gold
  • Traits: Mirage Cavalier
  • Ability ⁠— Consume: Nunu encourages Willump to bite his target, dealing 350/500/800 magic damage. If Willump’s target has less Health than he does before the bite, it deals an additional 33% damage and becomes true damage.
Olaf splash art in TFT Set 7


  • Cost: 3 gold
  • Traits: Scalescorn Bruiser Warrior
  • Ability ⁠— Reckless Swing
    • Passive: Olaf seeks glorious death, permanently gaining 5 Attack Damage (10 in Hyper Roll) whenever he dies.
    • Active: Olaf strikes his target, dealing physical damage and gaining 40/50/60% Attack Speed for 4 seconds. seconds. If he’s below 50% Health, the Attack Speed is doubled.
Qiyana splash art in TFT Set 7


  • Cost: 2 gold
  • Traits: Tempest Assassin
  • Ability ⁠— Elemental Blade: Qiyana dashes to the best position to strike enemies with her blade, dealing 200/300/425 magic damage and disarming enemies hit for 1.5/1.75/2 seconds.
Sejuani splash art in TFT Set 7


  • Cost: 1 gold
  • Traits: Guild Cavalier
  • Ability ⁠— Warrior’s Wrath: Sejuani swings her mace wide, hitting all enemies in a cone for 15% maximum Health as magic damage. She quickly strikes again, repeating the damage on her target and the enemy directly behind it and stunning them for 1.5/1.75/2 seconds.
Senna splash art in TFT Set 7


  • Cost: 1 gold
  • Traits: Ragewing Cannoneer
  • Ability ⁠— Last Embrace: Senna launches black mist toward the farthest enemy, striking the first enemy hit and dealing 200% Attack Damage as physical damage on a small area. The first enemy hit is dealt 400/500/600 additional bonus magic damage.
Sett splash art in TFT Set 7


  • Cost: 1 gold
  • Traits: Ragewing Dragonmancer
  • Ability ⁠— Knuckle Down: For the next 4 seconds Sett gains 50/60/80 Armor and Magic Resist, and every other punch deals bonus physical damage.
Shi Oh Yu splash art in TFT Set 7

Shi Oh Yu

  • Cost: 7 gold
  • Traits: Jade Mystic Dragon
  • Ability ⁠— Jade Rush: Shi Oh Yu enters Jade stance, gaining 20/25/50% damage reduction, immunity to crowd control, and empowering her next 3 attacks with special effects.
    • Attack 1: Deals 325/350/1000% Attack Damage as physical damage and stuns the target for 1 second.
    • Attack 2: Deals 325/350/1000% Attack Damage as true damage.
    • Attack 3: Ends the stance, dealing 325/350/1000% Attack Damage as physical damage to all enemies in a line and knocking them up for 1 second.
Shyvana splash art in TFT Set 7


  • Cost: 8 gold
  • Traits: Ragewing Shapeshifter Dragon
  • Ability ⁠— Dragon’s Descent: Shyvana transforms into Dragon Form for the rest of combat, replacing her ability with Flame Breath. She then becomes untargetable before dive-bombing the largest group of enemies, dealing 100/175/500 magic damage and stunning them for 1.5 seconds.
    • Flame Breath: Shyvana breathes fire in a cone, dealing 45/60/300% of the enemy’s maximum Health as magic damage.
Skarner splash art in TFT Set 7


  • Cost: 1 gold
  • Traits: Astral Bruiser
  • Ability ⁠— Crystalline Exoskeleton: Skarner shields himself for 300/360/420 for 8 seconds, and gains 160/180/200% Attack Speed while it holds.
Soraka splash art in TFT Set 7


  • Cost: 5 gold
  • Traits: Jade Starcaller
  • Ability ⁠— Wish
    • Passive: While any ally is below 50% Health, Soraka gains an additional 5 mana per attack.
    • Active: Soraka calls down a shower of stars over the next 2 seconds. Allies are healed for 70/125/1000 each time a star hits them.
Sylas splash art in TFT Set 7


  • Cost: 3 gold
  • Traits: Whispers Mage Bruiser
  • Ability ⁠— Petricite Burst: Sylas whirls his chains, dealing 110/170/240 magic damage to enemies hit and shielding himself for 365/415/475 for 6 seconds. If Sylas has already shielded himself, he hits in a larger area and applies Mana-Reave to enemies hit, increasing the cost of their next ability by 35%.
Sy'fen splash art in TFT Set 7


  • Cost: 7 gold
  • Traits: Whispers Bruiser Dragon
  • Ability ⁠— Rampage: Sy’fen charges toward the farthest enemy within 2 hexes, dealing 400/500/1000% Attack Damage as physical damage and knocking up enemies they pass through. After charging, Sy’fen bits an enemy, dealing 500/525/2500% Attack Damage as physical damage and ignoring 50% of the target’s Armor.
Tristana splash art in TFT Set 7


  • Cost: Nomsy summon
  • Traits: Cannoneer
  • Ability ⁠— Explosive Charge: Tristana fires up to 1 explosive charges, prioritizing the closest targets without a charge. Charges detonate after 1 seconds, dealing physical damage (139/170/209% Attack Damage) to nearby enemies and additional magic damage to the target.
Twitch splash art in TFT Set 7


  • Cost: 2 gold
  • Traits: Guild Swiftshot
  • Ability ⁠— Blast Potion: Twitch hurls an exploding flask at his target, dealing 120% of his Attack Damage plus 50/75/100 physical damage and reducing the Armor of enemies hit by 40% for 5 seconds.
Varus splash art in TFT Set 7


  • Cost: 3 gold
  • Traits: Astral Swiftshot
  • Ability ⁠— Chain of Constellations: Varus sends out a cosmic tendril towards his target that strikes the first enemy hit, dealing 250% Attack Damage as physical damage and stunning them for 1.5/1.75/2 seconds. Tendrils then spread to 3 nearby enemies, dealing 100/180/300 magic damage and stunning them for the remainder of the duration.
Vladimir splash art in TFT Set 7


  • Cost: 1 gold
  • Traits: Astral Mage
  • Ability ⁠— Transfusion: Vladimir deals 250/300/350 magic damage to the target and heals himself for 270/300/330 Health.
Volibear splash art in TFT Set 7


  • Cost: 3 gold
  • Traits: Shimmerscale Dragonmancer
  • Ability ⁠— Relentless Storm: Volibear rages, gaining 375/650/1200 bonus Health. For the rest of combat, every third attack deals 160/175/190 magic bonus magic damage to the target, and 160/175/190 magic damage to up to 3/4/5 additional enemies.
Xayah splash art in TFT Set 7


  • Cost: 4 gold
  • Traits: Ragewing Swiftshot
  • Ability ⁠— Feathers FLY!: For 4 seconds Xayah’s attacks also fire a feather dealing physical damage, and 2/2/4 extra feathers at enemies near her target. Feathers are left behind her targets. At the end of this duration Xayah recalls her feathers. Each one deals 12/20/40 physical damage to enemies hit.
Yasuo splash art in TFT Set 7


  • Cost: 5 gold
  • Traits: Mirage Dragonmancer Warrior
  • Ability ⁠— Sweeping Blade: Yasuo shields himself for 200/275/2500 for 2/2/20 seconds and dashes through his target, slashing nearby enemies for 160/175/2000% of his Attack Damage as physical damage. Every third cast his slash deals 250% bonus damage, hits a larger area, and knocks up enemies for 1.5 seconds. If Yasuo hits only the last enemy left alive, he repeatedly slashes them until they die.
Yone splash art in TFT Set 7


  • Cost: 2 gold
  • Traits: Mirage Warrior
  • Ability ⁠— Way of the Hunter: Yone’s basic attacks alternate between dealing 100/150/200 bonus magic damage and dealing 33% of his Attack Damage as bonus physical damage.
Zoe splash art in TFT Set 7


  • Cost: 5 gold
  • Traits: Shimmerscale Spell-Thief Mage
  • Ability ⁠— Nothing!: Zoe doesn’t have her own spell. As a Spell Thief, she will borrow spells from other dimensions during combat and cast them as if they were her own.

Removed champions in TFT Set 7.5

20 champions are being removed from TFT Set 7.5, but with Swain’s shift from regular unit to Dragon and the Trainer units being absorbed into Nomsy’s summoning mechanic, there’ll be 61 units to play around in the set.

All of the Revel units have been removed from the game. Legend is also being removed, but Volibear will remain in the game as a Shimmerscale Dragonmancer unit.

You can find the full list of removed champions in TFT Set 7.5 below.

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  • Aatrox
  • Anivia
  • Ashe
  • Corki
  • Elise
  • Illaoi
  • Jinx
  • Kayn
  • Nami
  • Neeko
  • Ornn
  • Pyke
  • Ryze
  • Shen
  • Sona
  • Swain
  • Tahm Kench
  • Talon
  • Taric
  • Thresh

All TFT Set 7.5 traits

Four new traits are being added in TFT Set 7.5. This includes two new major verticals to play around in Lagoon and Darkflight. Lagoon gives players yet another AP econ option, printing items and gold based on spell casts across the game. Darkflight is an entirely new trait though ⁠— letting players sacrifice a unit to share items and health across the team.

Monolith (Terra) and Prodigy (Nomsy) are new Dragon-exclusive traits, giving the units some extra power beyond their abilities. On top of that, 25 traits are returning from the Dragonlands launch. You can find the full list of traits in TFT Set 7.5 below.

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Assassin (Diana, Nilah, Qiyana, Rengar)Innate: Leap to the enemy backline when combat starts. Assassins’ Abilities can critically strike and they gain bonus Critical Strike Chance and bonus Critical Strike Damage.2 / 4 / 6
Astral (Aurelion Sol, Lux, Nidalee, Skarner, Varus, Vladimir)After each player combat, gain an Astral Orb. The combined star level of your Astral champions increases the quality of the orb. Astral champions gains bonus Ability Power.3 / 5 / 8
Bard (Bard)Allies that survive player combat have a 2% chance to create a Doot. Bard always creates a Doot when dancing. Each Doot you collect increases your Shop odds for higher-tier champions by 1%.1
Bruiser (Jax, Malphite, Olaf, Skarner, Sylas, Sy’fen)Your team gains bonus maximum Health. Bruisers gain double this bonus.2 / 4 / 6 / 8
Cannoneer (Aphelios, Graves, Senna, Zeri)Every 5th attack fires a cannon shot that explodes for physical damage around the target.2 / 4 / 6
Cavalier (Hecarim, Lillia, Nunu, Rell, Sejuani)Innate: Charge quickly towards their target whenever they move. Cavaliers gain Armor and Magic Resist. At the start of combat and after each charge, gain 200% the amount for 4 seconds.2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6
Darkflight (Aphelios, Rell, Rengar, Swain)The unit in the Darkflight hex is sacrificed at start of combat, granting a copy of a random item they have to each Darkflight champion, and bonus health to each. Emblems and non-craftable items are corrupted when they’re copied, instead becoming Darkflight Essence.2 / 4 / 6 / 8
Dragon (Ao Shin, Aurelion Sol, Daeja, Idas, Shi Oh Yu, Shyvana Sohm, Swain, Sy’fen, Terra, Zippy)Innate: Require 2 team slots. Dragons provide +3 to the marked trait, and gain additional bonuses based on how many Dragons are on your team.1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5
Dragonmancer (Kai’sa, Karma, Lee Sin, Sett, Volibear, Yasuo)Use the Dragonmancer Blessing item to choose a Hero. The Hero gains massively increased Health and Ability Power, which increases by 20% per star level of your Dragonmancers.2 / 4 / 6 / 8
Evoker (Aurelion Sol, Lulu, Nomsy, Seraphine, Zyra)Evokers gain Mana whenever an ally or enemy casts an Ability.2 / 3
Guardian (Braum, Idas, Leona, Nasus, Rakan, Zac)Once per combat at 50% Health, Guardians shield themselves and their closest ally for a percent of their maximum Health. Shields stack!2 / 4 / 6 / 8
Guild (Bard, Jayce, Sejuani, Twitch, Zippy)Grant a unique bonus to your team; Guild members gain double the amount. Increases for each Guild member in play!1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8
Jade (Gnar, Jax, Karma, Shi Oh Yu, Soraka, Wukong)Summon movable Jade Statues that grow in power. Each combat, allies who start combat adjacent to a statue gain maximum Health healing every 2 seconds and bonus Attack Speed. When a statue is destroyed, it deals 33% of its Health as magic damage to nearby enemies.3 / 5 / 7 / 9
Lagoon (Kai’Sa, Malphite, Nilah, Seraphine, Sohm, Taliyah, Zac, Zeri)Lagoon units gain bonus Ability Power and Attack Speed. A Seastone appears on the board that grants loot as Lagoon units cast Abilities over time.3 / 6 / 9 / 12
Mage (Heimerdinger, Lillia, Lux, Nomsy, Sohm, Sylas, Taliyah, Vladimir, Zoe)Mages cast twice and have modified total Ability Power.3 / 5 / 7 / 9
Mirage (Daeja, Leona, Nunu, Yasuo, Yone)Mirage champions gain a different Trait bonus from game to game.2 / 4 / 6 / 8
Monolith (Terra)Monoliths create 3 hexes on the battlefield. Units standing in the hex at the start of combat gain 15% damage reduction.3
Mystic (Bard, Rakan, Seraphine, Shi Oh Yu)Your team gains Magic Resist.2 / 3 / 4 / 5
Prodigy (Nomsy)Nomsy gains a random trait each game. She summons a former Trainer to aid her in battle, who also gains this trait.3
Ragewing (Hecarim, Rakan, Senna, Sett, Shyvana, Xayah)Innate: Convert Mana to Rage; attacks generate 15 Rage. After casting an Ability, enrage for 4 seconds: 30% Attack Speed but can’t gain Rage. Gain Attack Speed and Omnivamp when enraged.2 / 4 / 6 / 8
Scalescorn (Braum, Diana, Lillia, Olaf)Scalescorns take 20% reduced damage from enemies with more than 1900 Health. If you don’t have a Dragon on your team, they also deal a percent of their damage as additional magic damage.2 / 4 / 6
Shapeshifter (Gnar, Jayce, Nidalee, Shyvana)Transforming grants bonus maximum Health.2 / 4
Shimmerscale (Idas, Jax, Nasus, Volibear, Zoe)Grant exclusive random Shimmerscale items.3 / 5 / 7 / 9
Spell Thief (Zoe)Zoe nabs a new Ability after each cast and at the start of every round.1
Starcaller (Soraka)The first Starcaller to cast their Ability during player combat heals you for 2/3/75, depending on their star level. Excess healing disintegrates an enemy champion.1
Swiftshot (Ezreal, Twitch, Varus, Xayah)Innate: Gain 2 hex Attack Range. Swiftshots gain Attack Speed for each hex between themselves and their target.2 / 4 / 6
Tempest (Ao Shin, Ezreal, Graves, Lee Sin, Qiyana)After 8 seconds, lightning strikes the battlefield. Enemies are stunned for 1 second and take a percent of their maximum Health as true damage. Then, Tempest champions gain Attack Speed.2 / 4 / 6 / 8
Warrior (Olaf, Pantheon, Wukong, Yasuo, Yone)Warrior attacks have a 50% chance to increase the damage of their next attack.2 / 4 / 6
Whispers (Pantheon, Sylas, Sy’fen, Zyra)Whispers damage shrinks enemies, reducing their Armor and Magic Resist by 40% for 6 seconds. When they damage a shrunken enemy, Whispers gain stacking bonuses.2 / 4 / 6 / 8

Removed traits in TFT Set 7.5

Three traits are being removed as part of TFT Set 7.5. This includes Revel, which was controversial at Dragonlands’ launch and was quickly nerfed into the ground. Trainer suffered the reverse fate, becoming stronger as the set went on, but it’ll still live on through Nomsy somewhat.

Legend is also being removed with its gameplay not really hitting the mark. You can find the full list of removed traits in TFT Set 7.5 below.

  • Legend
  • Revel
  • Trainer

When is TFT Set 7.5 releasing?

TFT Set 7.5 is launching as part of TFT patch 12.17 on September 8, 2022. It will go live on PBE two weeks earlier for testing on August 24, 2022

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