TFT Patch 14.12 notes: 5-year Bash and balance changes

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Patch 14.12 for Teamfight Tactics brings the newest five-year anniversary event, alongside further balance changes to shake up the auto battlers meta.

The newest patch for Teamfight Tactics has just arrived in the auto battler. Patch 14.12 once again brings a heap of changes to the game, including several buffs to two cost units, five Exalted, and more.

Looking to know more about the new patch? We’ve got you covered.

When is TFT Patch 14.12 going live?

TFT Patch 14.12 will launch alongside the main release of League’s patch on June 12, 2024. As per usual, expect a brief period of server downtime before the patch goes live.

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What’s changing in TFT Patch 14.12?

Five-year Bash arrives

The Five-year Bash will arrive in Patch 14.12. The limited-time event will bring a heap of rewards, as well as a new game mode for players to try out.

On top of that, you can grab plenty of Treasure Tokens by just logging into the game, making it a great opportunity if you’re looking to pull on the Treasure Realms.

Balance Changes

Patch 14.12 will bring more balance changes to the auto battler, this includes buffs to several two-cost units, as well as an overall nerf to Duelist — which has become a strong composition in the past few patches.

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Teamfight Tactics Patch 14.12 notes


Shop Level Odds

  • Level 7: 20/33/36/10/1% >>> 19/30/40/10/1%

Large Changes


  • Duelist AS per stack: 5/10/14/18% >>> 5/9/13/18%
  • Exalted 5 XP per turn: 1 >>> 2
  • Reaper 4 Bleed duration: 3 seconds >>> 2 seconds
  • Sniper Damage increase per hex: 8/18/35% >>> 8/17/33%
  • Trickshot Ricochet damage: 40/60% >>> 45/60%

Units: Tier 2

  • Aatrox Ability damage: 260/390/600% AP >>> 275/415/645% AP
  • Janna Ability damage: 180/270/415% AP >>> 190/285/445% AP
  • Lux Ability damage: 225/340/525% AP >>> 240/360/560% AP
  • Riven Ability damage: 190/190/200% AD >>> 200/200/215% AD
  • Riven Ability 3rd cast damage: 300/300/310% AD >>> 310/310/325% AD
  • Senna Ability damage: 230/230/245% AD + 10/15/25% AP >>> 245/245/260% AD + 10/15/25% AP

Units: Tier 3

  • Soraka Ability damage: 260/390/600% AP >>> 260/390/650% AP
  • Soraka Ability secondary damage: 120/180/290% AP >>> 120/180/305% AP
  • Yone AS: 0.85 >>> 0.9

Units: Tier 4

  • Annie Mana: 70/140 >>> 70/120
  • Galio Mana: 70/140 >>> 70/120
  • Kayn AD: 75 >>> 80

Units: Tier 5

  • Hwei Ability damage: 180/270/2000% AP >>> 195/290/2000% AP
  • Lissandra Loot chance: 40% >>> 45%


  • Boiling Point (Porcelain) Gain a Lux >>> Gain a Lux and an Amumu
  • Built Different II AS: 40/45/50/55% >>> 45/50/55/60%
  • Crownguarded increased Crownguard buff effect: 75% >>> 100%
  • Long Shot (Sniper) AS: 18% >>> 15%
  • Wrath of the Moon (Umbral) Damage increase per second: 4% >>> 3.5%
  • Ba-BOOM! Damage increase: 75% >>> 90%


  • Lich Bane Damage: 180/240/300/360/420 >>> 200/270/340/410/480
  • Suspicious Trench Coat Health: 250 >>> 100
  • Aegis of the Legion now displays VFX during planning phase of affected hexes.
  • Spite effects now stack
  • Spite VFX now better matches explosion range
  • Spite Attack Damage/Ability Power Reduction: 40% >>> 25%
  • Spite Attack Damage/Ability Power Increase: 50% >>> 40%
  • Spite Duration: 10s >>> 15s
  • Crest of Cinders (Red Buff) bonus damage: 5% >>> 10%
  • Crest of Cinders duration: 5 seconds >>> 30 seconds
  • More-Morellonomicon (Morellonomicon) Attack Speed: 10% >>> 25%

Small Changes


  • Sivir Ability duration: 6 seconds >>> 6/7/8 seconds
  • Nautilus Health: 1150 >>> 1100


  • Risky Moves Gold: 30 >>> 33
  • Combat Caster Shield duration: 6 seconds >>> 4 seconds
  • Trade Sector Gold: 2 >>> 4
  • Shopping Spree Gold: 3 >>> 4