TFT lead dev explains how Heartsteel was crucial in enabling Set 10’s theme

Heartsteel Kayn Splash ArtRiot Games

Teamfight Tactics lead developer Mortdog has explained how the introduction of the boy band Heartsteel was crucial to the development of Set 10.

Teamfight Tactics has just hit its tenth set. Remix Rumble is now out on live servers, ready for everyone to get their groove on. As implied, Remix Rumble is entirely based on music, with traits representing different bands and genres of music. For example, Country, Emo, Disco, and even K/DA have hit the convergence in Set 10.

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Set 10 also reprises the Chosen mechanic from Set 4, allowing players to choose a powerful unit to provide bonuses to their team composition. These Headliner units will provide a +1 bonus to one of their traits and also augment their ability to make them even more powerful.

However, this marvelous music-based set would not have been possible without the introduction of bands into the League of Legends universe, with the recent addition of Heartsteel being crucial to enabling the most recent set’s theme.

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Mortdog explains how Heartsteel was crucial to Set 10

Lead developer Mortdog explained on their stream how the newest boy band Heartsteel was crucial in allowing for Set 10 to exist.

“The big thing was when we did all of our pitch themes, this was way back in the Set 7 era, music was one that came up. And then we did our player surveys and it did really well, so we decided to give it a shot.

“Some of us were skeptical, myself included, some of us were like ‘no no no we can make this work.’ and then combined with Heartsteel coming out made it so it was a really good opportunity. I think if Heartsteel hadn’t been coming out it would’ve been a lot harder to pitch. But Heartsteel gave us that opportunity.”

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Set 10 has just hit live servers, meaning players are able to jump on and join in on the action right now.