Riot reveals TFT Fates release will include ranked reset on Patch 10.19

TFT Ranks next to Spirit Blossom Elise in TFT FatesRiot Games

It was all but confirmed, but Riot have finally made it official: when TFT Fates drops on Patch 10.19, all players will have their ranks reset. However, the system will work slightly differently to previous resets.

In case you haven’t heard, a new TFT set is dropping on Patch 10.19. Named TFT Fates, 58 new champions are being added, a whole new Chosen mechanic being introduced, and the game is being tipped on its head.

The fourth set of Riot’s LoL-inspired autobattler will be drastically different from the three before it, so the devs are looking at leveling out the playing field.

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Yone in TFT FatesRiot Games
Be prepared to see your ranked slashed when TFT Fates launches.

As soon as TFT Galaxies ends on September 16, Riot are going to ship a ranked reset to Teamfight Tactics. This shouldn’t come as a major surprise to most, given they’ve done it between every set so far ⁠— and even for mid-set updates.

However, Riot aren’t just resetting everyone’s visible ranks, like they did for the TFT Galaxies mid-set update. They are doing a reset of everyone’s hidden MMR too. This means you’ll have to grind all the way up from the bottom again ⁠— if you aren’t in the top echelons of play, that is.

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“Hidden MMR is also reset, yes. It’s not reset to the same for everybody. Basically if you’re Platinum or higher, you’re going to have the same MMR,” Mortdog said on a recent stream.

Mortdog didn’t quite go into detail on how this will work, but by the sounds of it, players Gold and below could be dragged back down to Iron IV. Platinum plus players may still drop too, but only to a division below.

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This would follow somewhat in line with the TFT Patch 10.12 reset for Galaxies. Then, Riot reset players one tier below they finished before the reset on Galaxies. Master+ players, including Challengers, were taken down to Diamond 4.

However, it’s likely this one will be more drastic. With the Galaxies reset on Patch 10.12, that was in the middle of a set. Branching between sets, you should expect a notable drop in your rank.

This isn’t something you should fear, though. Even though ranks and MMR are being reset, you will be in the same boat as everyone else. You should be able to grind your way to the top so you can try and get those special ranked rewards come six months time.

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TFT Fates is launching on September 16, with 58 new champions being added into the autobattler. If you want to find out more about the set before it goes live, be sure to check out our guide, download the PBE and get some games in.