Teamfight Tactics Set 2 tier list: Who are the best TFT units?

With Teamfight Tactics Set 2 finally live, we’ve broken down the best and worst units in the game so you can build a team with confidence and get some wins.

Teamfight Tactics: Rise of the Elements has brought almost 40 completely new units into TFT, and a bunch of new mechanics. Playing around Elemental Rifts and flexible unit elements are key to succeeding in this set and getting that next rank.

However, not all units were created equal. There are some units that no matter the game, or the circumstance, are stronger than any other. We’ve broken down which units you need to keep an eye on, and who you should be building around in Teamfight Tactics Set 2.

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S Tier

Riot GamesKindred has one of the strongest element-class combinations in Set 2.

S Tier units are units you want to be building your team compositions around. They will remain relevant all the way through to the end of the game, and finding yourself one early that fits your team comp will set you up for success in the mid game. If an S Tier unit comes up early enough, it might even be worth hard pivoting your team composition.

  • Kha’Zix
  • Kindred
  • Lux
  • Malzahar
  • Master Yi
  • Qiyana
  • Singed
  • Zed
Riot GamesLux is the Queen of Flexibility in TFT.

Lux and Qiyana head up the S Tier units. It’s no surprise – their adaptability from game to game means they can fit into almost every team composition. On top of that, their abilities do insane amounts of damage, and in Qiyana’s case, lock down key targets for a long time.

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Zed, Singed, and Master Yi are three five-cost units that are super easy to build a team around in the late game. Spawning infinite Zed clones is one way to infuriate your enemies, while building massive amounts of dodge chance on Singed makes him almost unkillable.

Kindred and Malzahar are strong for two reasons — you can get them early, and they proc the all-powerful Shadow buff. They are easy to build into hypercarries and dominate battle with them, constantly doing double damage across the board as the cooldown refreshes.

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A Tier

Riot GamesDiana is one of the best one-cost units in TFT right now.

A Tier units are still exceptionally good units to have on your team, but just don’t have the same star power or versatility as S Tier units. If your team composition has a few A Tier units on it, you will be well on your way to victory.

  • Azir
  • Diana
  • Janna
  • Malphite
  • Nami
  • Sion
  • Sivir
  • Taric
  • Yorick
Riot GamesNami’s ultimate in TFT can change the tides of a fight in an instant.

Azir and Sivir find themselves in the A tier because of how strong Desert buff is. It can completely cancel out a team of Wardens, and helps shred squishy carries. Partnered with Kha’Zix (S tier) and Renekton (C tier), you can demolish any team.

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Diana is also a good partner to Kha’Zix and Qiyana. If you find yourself in an Inferno Rift game, Diana, Kha’Zix, and Qiyana provide you a solid Assassin backline to decimate enemy teams. 

Other units in A tier like Taric, Yorick, and Nami, have incredibly strong abilities that can change the tides of a battle.

B Tier

Riot GamesNocturne is a solid standalone unit in TFT Set 2.

B Tier units are likely to make up the bulk of your team composition. They are a little bit easier to find than S or A Tier units, and better than their C, D and F counterparts. However, they are going to be outshone, and possibly replaced by higher-tier units come the late game.

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  • Aatrox
  • Annie
  • Ashe
  • Brand
  • Dr. Mundo
  • Maokai
  • Nocturne
  • Olaf
  • Syndra
  • Twitch
  • Zyra
Riot GamesZyra is still a strong unit in TFT, although she isn’t as good as she was on the PBE.

Annie and Zyra provide a strong base for an Inferno-Summoner composition, which headlined our seven best Teamfight Tactics builds for Set 2. While Zyra’s been toned down after dominating PBE, she’s still a solid unit to build around.

Same goes for Nocturne. While he doesn’t have many good synergies thanks to his unfortunate Steel-Assassin combo, his ability is one of the strongest in the set. If you play him like Rengar in Set 1, he can carry comps all the way through the late game.

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Olaf and Dr. Mundo are also two of the strongest Berserkers in the game right now. Thanks to Berserkers getting buffed just before Patch 9.22 went live, getting six Berserkers is a viable build path now. Stacking damage items on Olaf and survivability on Mundo is a sure-fire way to maintain a tanky frontline while still being able to keep up damage-wise in the late game.

C Tier

Riot GamesYasuo is now a two-cost unit in Teamfight Tactics.

C Tier units are a bit below average, but not outright bad. They have very limited power, and only fit into niche team compositions. They are unlikely to do much for you late game if they are on your team, unless they are there to fill out a buff quota.

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  • Ezreal
  • Ivern
  • Jax
  • Kog’Maw
  • LeBlanc
  • Thresh
  • Varus
  • Vladimir
  • Yasuo

Every unit in the C Tier has some role in an early game composition. Ivern and LeBlanc are good for Woodland-Druid, Thresh and Vladimir are good for Ocean-Mage, while Kog’Maw is a solid early game Predator. 

However, most of these units fall off by the late game, so don’t be afraid to transition away from them into something more meta like Inferno, Shadow, or Desert.

D Tier

Riot GamesNautilus isn’t as strong as first imagined in TFT.

D Tier units are generally weak. Their abilities might not be great, their stats low, or their element-class combination tragic. The only reason you’d have these units in your composition is to fill out some sort of quota at some stage of the game, or you are desperate and have a two or three-star version of them.

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  • Ivern
  • Nautilus
  • Neeko
  • Rek’Sai
  • Renekton
  • Skarner
  • Soraka
  • Veigar
  • Volibear

Once again, most of D Tier units serve a purpose in the early game, but some of them are too expensive to have much of an impact unless you luck out. While Nautilus seems good on paper, he is hard countered by Summoner comps, which are dominating the meta right now. 

Skarner, Renekton, and Veigar have decent abilities and synergies, but fall off hard in the late game. If you want to keep any D Tier unit on your team, these would be the three you’d focus on.

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F Tier

Riot GamesBraum is still one of the worst units in TFT.

F Tier units should basically be skipped over at all costs. They are unlikely to do you any good in any game, and usually have counterparts that are much stronger than them. You should avoid these units as much as you can.

  • Braum
  • Nasus
  • Taliyah
  • Vayne
  • Warwick

Taliyah is alright for an early game Mountain buff, but as the game drags on, it becomes harder and harder to justify her place on the battlefield. Same goes for Warwick in a Predator composition, and Nasus and Vayne in Light.

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Sometimes it’s worth sacrificing synergies to get strictly better units onto the board, and these would be the units you’d drop first to do that.

This list will be periodically updated with the latest TFT patch information.