Teamfight Tactics lead dev blames content creator for making “the most toxic comp”

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Teamfight Tactics lead developer Mortdog playfully called out content creator and streamer Leduck for creating the most “toxic comp in the game”.

Teamfight Tactics is a game that’s all about creativity. Taking the tools that are given to you and crafting a truly fantastic team composition is the main key to the game. Obviously, a meta generally forms around the strongest comps available, but these can be trumped by players who understand the game and can get creative.

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No player is more creative than the TFT content creator Leduck, who posts up informative videos on his YouTube channel. Some of these can include interesting interactions or unique comps, all formulated by the YouTuber. These team compositions often comprise creative usage of items, unit abilities, and augments to create insanely powerful armies.

However, one composition, in particular, has been highlighted by lead developer Mortdog for all the wrong reasons.

Mortdog calls out Leduck for creating the most toxic TFT comp

When asked what they believe to be the most toxic experience in Teamfight Tactics, lead developer Mortdog listed one of Leduck’s comps as the culprit.

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“What is the most toxic experience in TFT? Okay, I’m going to say the Leduck Zephyr comp. That’s the most toxic, the 5 Zephyr comp,” the developer claimed.

For those unaware, Leduck created a strategy that involved creating multiple copies of the item Zephyr. Zephyr creates a tornado on the exact opposite side of the enemy board, this tornado briefly disables enemy units from being in combat. Since Zephyr creates the tornado on the exact opposite side, players are able to target certain units they want to disable.

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Leduck’s strategy with these Zephyrs is to completely remove the frontline with them, giving full access to the enemy’s backline. This is generally where most carries are, allowing them to assassinate the carry right at the start of the fight.

This composition has become much more forcible due to the introduction of the Twisted Fate legend. This legend allows players to reroll their items with the Pandora’s Items augment. Whilst considered a rather toxic comp, it’s unlikely that it’ll see any change unless it becomes problematic.

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