Team Liquid CEO provides update on Broxah visa situation

Riot Games

Team Liquid co-CEO Steve ‘Liquid112’ Arhancet has given an update on the status of a visa for the team’s new LCS jungler, Mads ‘Broxah’ Brock-Pedersen.

The organization’s League of Legends team made a big move in the off-season ahead of 2020, replacing Jake ‘Xmithie’ Puchero, who was part of the team’s four consecutive LCS titles in 2018 and 2019, with Fnatic jungler Broxah.

Unfortunately, TL haven’t yet been able to debut their new roster, with visa issues delaying the Danish player’s arrival in the US. Instead, the team was initially forced to practice with new strategic coach and former TL mid laner Eugene ‘Pobelter’ Park, before bringing in academy jungler Shern ‘Shernfire’ Cherng Tai just days before the start of the season.

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Shernfire in Team Liquid jersey at the LCS in Spring 2020.Riot Games
Academy jungler Shernfire has been starting in the LCS for TL while Broxah is delayed.

During an episode of Travis Gafford’s League of Legends talk show Hotline League, Arhancet appeared in the chat to offer an update on Broxah’s situation, revealing that the team is expecting to hear one way or the other whether the player will have his visa approved on Thursday February 6.

“Here’s the drop. I know we have been pretty quiet on the visa for Broxah, mostly in part because so much is out of our control. But, because you are Travis and I like you so much I’ll share more info. This Thursday is an important date – we will hear a response back by the (approved or denied).”

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While it appears that a successful visa application isn’t yet guaranteed, both fans and the team themselves should at least know the team’s status going forward fairly soon.

It seems clear that bringing in Broxah, who reached the Worlds final in 2018 with Fnatic, is primarily with the aim of improving Team Liquid’s international results, with Yilliang ‘Doublelift’ Peng going so far as to state he’d be “fine with losing LCS.” Despite dominating domestically for the last two years, TL have been unable to reach the Worlds playoffs.

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As a result, assuming Broxah’s visa does eventually come through the team will have plenty of time to integrate him before they hit the part of the season that matters the most to them. In the meantime, TL have managed to maintain a neutral record of 2-2 in the LCS so far.