Sneaky explains why ADC is still underpowered after League 10.11 patch

Riot Games

Former Cloud9 star Zach ‘Sneaky’ Scuderi has shared his thoughts on the current state of the ADC role in League of Legends and the recent buffs to the position in the 10.11 update.

Sneaky is one of the most popular LoL streamers and following his retirement from competitive play in January, he turned his focus to growing his fan base on Twitch.

However, the streamer still plays plenty of League during his broadcasts and has revealed his thoughts on some of the latest changes made to his role during the 10.11 patch.

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Riot Games
Sneaky has shared his thoughts on the state of ADCs in League of Legends.

Sneaky played some solo queue matches on the new patch, which introduced new health buffs for many of the marksman champions, although he did not notice too much of a difference himself.

He explained that bot laners had become quite underpowered in recent times and admitted that, while he had 20 kills during one of his matches, he never felt as if he could carry the game.

“That’s usually the problem, even though I’m fed, I can’t take over the game because I can’t kill any solo laner, I should be able to battle a solo laner if I’m fed but it’s never the case,” he admitted.

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Topic starts at 14:47

Sneaky added that his playstyle had become much more passive compared to past seasons as he felt that the strength of ADCs had diminished quite a bit, “The only way I can take [games] over is by not killing myself, that’s the best I can do.”

After looking back on his games sneaky highlighted a fight between himself and the opposing mid laner, and despite having almost twice the gold and items over Kassadin, the fight was still extremely close.

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“I’m 15-1 with ten assists, this guy has participated in five kills,” he explained, pointing out the massive lead, “I have four items and he has two, yet this duel is close, why?”

He later explained that if the roles were reversed he would be dead almost instantly and shared that it has happened to him in multiple instances during his recent Solo Q matches.

Sneaky also revealed that while he felt as if games were hard to carry, it was ultimately too early to decide whether or not Riot’s changes will have a significant impact on the role.

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