Riot updates League of Legends practice tool with brand-new features

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The League of Legends developers have added new features to the practice tool, giving players even more freedom in the mode.

League of Legends is a pretty complex game, from learning all the different champion abilities, icons, matchups, optimal pathing, and team fights, the game has a ridiculously high skill curve. Most of the time learning the game is a trial by fire, which can deter newer players from joining in on the fun.

On top of learning all the basics, each champion has their own combos and niche which can make them even more difficult to pilot properly. That’s exactly why Riot introduced the Practice Tool, where players can mess around as much as they like in a sandbox environment, letting them test and try out various champions and combos.

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The tool has been out for quite some time now, but now Riot is looking to update the mode, introducing new features to even further customize the player’s experience.

In the newest patch, players will be able to apply certain status effects to themselves. This allows them to test certain interactions without needing another player or bot present. Players can choose from several status effects like Stunned, Silenced, Blinded, Rooted, and more. Unfortunately, these effects can only be applied to themselves and not to enemies.

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Alongside this, players are also able to copy items from themselves to bots, meaning they can now test how much damage they deal against units with resistance.

Additionally, players are able to give units spell shields, which prevents the first spell from hitting from activating. This is great for players who want to test interactions with different spells, without needing to have another friend play a champion that has a spell shield.