Riot reveal full list of new TFT champions and traits for Patch 10.12

Riot Games

The mid-set update for Teamfight Tactics (TFT) Galaxies is only a few weeks away, and with it comes a complete roster overhaul. In total, nine champions are being removed from the set, with 14 new additions on their way for Patch 10.12.

TFT Galaxies is approaching its halfway point, and Riot are looking to shake things up. The mid-set update is only a patch away now, and that means for the first time, Riot will be drastically changing up the roster.

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In total, nine champions will be removed from the set ⁠— along with two traits ⁠— and 14 new champions will be added. They are slightly different from the five that were leaked last week though.

Valkyries, Voids, more removed

If you wanted Kayle carry nerfed, Riot have gone one step further. As part of the mid-set update, all Void and Valkyrie champions will be removed from the game. This includes Kha’Zix, Cho’Gath, Vel’Koz, Kai’Sa, Kayle, and Miss Fortune.

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Odyssey Sona splash art for League of LegendsRiot Games
Sona is one of nine champions being removed from TFT in Patch 10.12.

On top of that, problematic champions from other traits are also being ditched ⁠— namely Sona, Kassadin, and Lux. According to Riot, the former of the three was too easy to slam into a composition and make it work, and her removal will force players onto other units.

“Sona’s CC cleanse left little room for counterplay, so she’s been removed to make room for some new Rebels and Mystics,” the devs said in a May 26 blog post. “Soraka will have to stand on her own as healer of the galaxy.”

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New Battlecast, Astro, and Paragon traits bring 11 new champions

Two traits might be departing, but three new ones are coming in their place. The Battlecast, Astro, and Paragon traits will be bringing a host of new champions to Teamfight Tactics in Patch 10.12.

Eternum Cassiopeia splash art for League of LegendsRiot Games
Cassiopeia is one of six new Battlecast champions coming to TFT.

The Battlecast trait is home to Illaoi, Nocturne, Kog’Maw, Cassiopeia, Viktor, and Urgot. Upon dealing or taking 10 instances of damage, Battlecast units will trigger a bonus effect based on their current health ⁠— either dealing bonus damage, or healing.

Astro compositions could start running amok in TFT. The trait associated with Nautilus, Bard, Gnar, and Teemo will reduce Astro champs’ mana costs by 30.

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Finally, the Paragon trait is the sole home of new five-cost Star Guardian Janna. She converts her team’s basic attacks to do magic damage, which can help Sniper and AD-heavy compositions break through Vanguards.

Outside of these new traits, Vayne, Zed, and Riven are also being added to TFT in the mid-set update.

Project Vayne splash art for League of LegendsRiot Games
Vayne, Zed, Riven, Yasuo — now you can go full solo queue in TFT.

The TFT mid-set update will be bundled into Patch 10.12 on June 10. However, before then, we have to contend with Patch 10.11, which will include nerfs to Kayle yet again, and a new Galaxy.

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If you want to play with the new champions, they will be released onto the PBE in the coming days. You can find the full list, including their traits and abilities below.

Full list of new TFT champions coming in Patch 10.12

Bard (Astronaut)

  • Cost: 3
  • Trait: Astro
  • Class: Mystic
  • Ability: Traveler’s Call ⁠— Bard gains additional mana each attack. Bard can also launch a meep onto his owner’s bench, which can be sold for 1 XP.

Cassiopeia (Eternum)

  • Cost: 3
  • Trait: Battlecast
  • Class: Mystic
  • Ability: Noxious Blast ⁠— Cassiopeia launches her fangs at the nearest enemy that isn’t poisoned, causing them to take damage over 12 seconds, and reducing the effectiveness of shields on them by 50%.

Gnar (Astronaut)

  • Cost: 4
  • Trait: Astro
  • Class: Brawler
  • Ability: GNAR! ⁠— Gnar leaps towards his target and transforms into Mega Gnar, throwing nearby enemies, dealing magic damage and stunning them for 2 seconds. While in Mega Gnar form, Gnar gains health and attack damage and becomes melee.

Illaoi (Battlecast)

  • Cost: 1
  • Trait: Battlecast
  • Class: Brawler
  • Ability: Tentacle Smash ⁠— Illaoi slams a tentacle in a line in front of her, dealing magic damage and stealing Armor and Magic resist from each target hit for 4 seconds.

Janna (Star Guardian)

  • Cost: 5
  • Trait: Star Guardian
  • Class: Paragon
  • Ability: Howling Gale ⁠— Janna summons five tornadoes which fly forward in a large cone. Tornadoes grant allies they pass through attack speed for 5 seconds, while knocking up and stunning enemies for 1.5 seconds.

Kog’Maw (Battlecast)

  • Cost: 2
  • Trait: Battlecast
  • Class: Blaster
  • Ability: Barrage ⁠— For 3 seconds, Kog’Maw gains infinite Attack Range, bonus attack speed, and his attacks deal a percentage of the target’s maximum health as magic damage.

Nautilus (Astronautilus)

  • Cost: 2
  • Trait: Astro
  • Class: Vanguard
  • Ability: Impact Crater ⁠— Nautilus erupts the ground beneath his target, knocking them up and stunning them, and dealing magic damage. Enemies adjacent to the target are also knocked up and stunned for half the duration and damage.

Nocturne (Eternum)

  • Cost: 2
  • Trait: Battlecast
  • Class: Infiltrator
  • Ability: Unspeakable Horror ⁠— Nocturne terrifies his target, stunning them with fear and dealing damage over the duration or until Nocturne dies.

Riven (Pulsefire)

  • Cost: 4
  • Trait: Chrono
  • Class: Blademaster
  • Ability: Energy Slash ⁠— Riven dashes and shields herself, then slashes forward dealing magic damage. Every third cast, Riven leaps into the air and launches a wave of energy that deals even more magic damage.

Teemo (Astronaut)

  • Cost: 4
  • Trait: Astro
  • Class: Sniper
  • Ability: Satellite Traps ⁠— Teemo scatters three traps around the nearest enemy. When an enemy is close to a trap or after 3 seconds it explodes, hitting nearby enemies, knocking them down and massively slowing them for 4 seconds.

Urgot (Battlecast)

  • Cost: 5
  • Trait: Battlecast
  • Class: Protector
  • Ability: Fear Beyond Death ⁠— Urgot fires a drill at the farthest enemy in his attack range, reeling them in and dealing 2000 true damage until repeatedly until they die when they reach him and reducing his mana cost.

Vayne (Project)

  • Cost: 3
  • Trait: Cybernetic
  • Class: Sniper
  • Ability: Final Hour ⁠— Vayne focuses for 10 seconds, tumbling away from her target immediately, and every third attack thereafter. Vayne is invisible while tumbling and her first attack after each tumble deals bonus physical damage.

Viktor (Battlecast)

  • Cost: 4
  • Trait: Battlecast
  • Class: Sorcerer
  • Ability: Death Ray ⁠— Viktor burns a path between the two enemies whom are farthest away from each other, initially dealing % max health damage, then 1 second later dealing magic damage in an aftershock explosion along the same path.

Zed (Galaxy Slayer)

  • Cost: 2
  • Trait: Rebel
  • Class: Infiltrator
  • Ability: Contempt for the Weak ⁠— Every third attack Zed deals bonus magic damage and steals a percentage of the target’s current attack damage.