Riot Games vows to “find solutions” after months of DDoS attacks on T1 LoL

T1 at MSI ChengduColin Young-Wolff/Riot Games

Riot Games is promising to “find solutions” to the scourge of DDoS attacks T1’s League of Legends team has been going through as it disrupts player streams and practice. 

Over the past few months, T1’s LoL team has been going through disruptive DDoS attacks on their players, which has resulted in streams being canceled. In light of the ongoing issue, T1 publicly called out Riot Games, demanding a fix. 

The announcement came after Faker started a stream for the first time after returning from MSI, only to be plagued with connection issues due to the DDoS attacks. 

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Riot Games has finally responded to the DDoS issues, saying it’s a top priority for them and vowing to fix it. 

“These are really frustrating for everyone and we completely understand why T1 has shut down streams for now,” announced Riot Meddler on the issue. “We’re working closely with them to create a safe playing and streaming environment.” 

Meddle says Riot has been working with T1 for months, however, the recent DDoS attacks were different from the attacks earlier in the year, which meant there were no fixes for it at the time. 

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“Since the latest attacks started, we’ve had a team investigating what’s causing these latest problems and we’re in ongoing discussion with T1 on other ways to mitigate these attacks,” Meddler said. 

“This has been a top priority for us and will remain one as we look to solve these pain points in the region. We’ll continue to deploy every resource to investigate causes and find solutions.” 

T1 feature image from MSIGary Handley/Riot Games
T1 has been faced with DDoS attacks for the past few months

Besides streaming, the DDoS attacks also affect T1’s practice as the inability to SoloQ is causing problems for players who need to play the game to keep sharp. 

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The attacks have also cost T1 money, as they say, due to the pause in streams, which has resulted in “significant financial implications for our organization”. 

Additionally, as revealed by Rekkles, it wasn’t just T1’s main LoL team that was suffering from the attacks. Their LCK Challengers team which Rekkles is part of was also affected, and so was their Valorant team who was practicing in the same facility.