Riot accidentally buffs Janna ability making her faster than ever with 15x movement speed

Janna Splash ArtRiot Games

The League of Legends developers have accidentally over-buffed one of Janna’s abilities on the PBE, giving her 15x the normal amount of movement speed.

If there’s one thing players probably know about Janna from League of Legends, it’s her capability to valiantly protect her carries with heals, shields, and a rather annoying knock-up. The Wind-based enchanter is able to glide around the map, assisting allies with key roams thanks to the passive on her W.

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Janna’s W titled Zephyr allows her to throw a bird at an enemy to slow their movement speed. Alternatively, when the ability isn’t on cooldown, Janna gains a movement speed bonus that lets her roam the map or catch up to enemies to slow them down. Both the slow and movement speed bonus scale with ability power, letting Janna benefit from the AP support items she often purchases.

However, with the recent buff to Janna on the PBE, it seems like players may want to start building full AP in order to give her absurd amounts of movement speed.

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LoL devs Janna buff makes her become a literal missile

A recent buff to Zephyr has made it so Janna can gain up to 15x her regular movement speed with the passive. This makes her basically untouchable by the rest of the roster, as she’s able to outrun almost everything in the game, including most ability missiles.

Riot made it so that Zephyr’s movement speed bonus would scale with even more AP than before. Now, Janna can build full AP, gain impossible levels of movement speed and roam at unseen levels.

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YouTuber Vandiril tested that with 770 AP, Zephyr was granting Janna a bonus of 1550% movement speed, skyrocketing it to a whopping 3590. This broke the game and essentially made her teleport around instead of walking, resulting in super janky movement.

One player referenced one of Janna’s voice lines of “Swiftly” when referring to the buff, stating that Riot took the line far too literally when buffing the Windy enchanter.