Rekkles reveals devastating effects of DDoS attacks on T1 HQ

Rekkles T1 DDoS attacksLCK/Riot Games

Rekkles did an on-stream interview with Caedrel, and touched on the recent DDoS attacks targeting T1. He talked about swapping between multiple accounts, how it affected T1’s Valorant team, and the team halting practice entirely for a time.

Faker bringing up the severity of DDoS attacks against T1 in a post-match press conference has opened a whole can of worms, with the club revealing some information that was previously under wraps about the nature of these attacks.

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Rekkles gave some additional details in an on-stream interview with Caedrel and revealed the extent to which T1 and all its players, even those who aren’t LoL pros, have been affected by the constant threat.

“Right when the game started, our internet went down. It was down for one hour – so the game was paused for one hour during our last [LCK CL] game, and then we unpaused and played when the internet got back. But… Valorant was practicing, they couldn’t practice. T1’s main team was practicing, but they couldn’t practice. And we were having an official game, and we could not play.”

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GenG Academy, T1’s last opponent, waited around an hour for the match to resume and accepted a chronobreak from T1 to roll back the early lane phase from when their internet was affected.

According to Rekkles, he left right when things started getting really bad, with the type of interruptions Faker was venting about after their most recent LCK loss.

“The solution at first was just… do not play. Or no solution at all. And then, eventually, around the time [of the Gen.G match], they gave us new accounts we were allowed to use. We weren’t allowed to use any other accounts, but then you start over in MMR. It felt good to leave during this time, I do not think I had the motivation to start another account.”

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While T1 proper was granted Riot super accounts created with high MMR, Rekkles had to grind each account from scratch. The final account they were forced to play on would have been the sixth account he’d have had to level.

Rekkles claimed that the ordeal was mentally draining, and these DDoS attacks have been taking their toll on the whole of T1 for months.