Nasty League of Legends bug sees one champion’s win rate plummet

Shan Hai Scrolls Lillia Splash ArtRiot Games

A new League of Legends bug has seen Lillia’s win rate plummet, thanks to one of their abilities no longer working as intended.

League of Legends sees a fair few bugs from time to time. Whether it be a minor visual glitch all the way to bugs quite literally breaking the entire game. This is partially thanks to the sheer amount of content within the MOBA. With over 160 champions, each with unique kits and interactions, it’s no surprise bugs can come creeping in from time to time.

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Riot generally squashes a lot of these bugs in patches they release to the live servers. Alongside balance updates comes a wealth of bug fixes, attempting to fix the issues before they become problems for the player base.

However, it seems a new bug has hit the live servers, and has severely affected the jungle champion Lillia.

As pointed out by YouTuber Dumbs, it appears that Lillia’s E Swirlseed has been bugged in Patch 14.5. Normally the ability launches a ball that rolls across the ground, impacting and dealing damage in a small AOE cone around the target.

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That however has changed, with the bug making Swirlseed no longer deal AOE damage, instead dealing damage to the first target hit. This massively impacts Lillia’s ability to gank and clear her jungle.

As a result, the champion has seen a 7% drop in win rate according to OP.GG, instantly demoting her to one of the worst champions in the game.

With how severe of an impact this bug has had on the champion’s win rate, it may not be surprising that Riot either disables or hotfix patches this issue, as Lillia is no longer working as intended.

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