LoL Season 2025 update secretly made free-to-play experience much worse

Tahm kench rework lol failureRiot Games

While League of Legends Season 2025 made a number of changes to the game that offer players more value for what they’re spending, the free-to-play side of the game has taken a huge hit.

The way that LoL’s Battle Pass works has been completely changed, with most of those changes being huge positives. Rather than just grinding for tokens and look capsules like before, players who buy the pass will get 5 skins by completing the pass.

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Considering that skins usually cost more than $10 each when you can get the pass for around $15, this is a huge improvement. However, there’s one change in this patch 2025.S1.1 update that’s a huge negative.

Once you work through the pass, it’s incredibly difficult to get Blue Essence. People who are free-to-play and don’t already have all the champions in the game will have a hard time.

LoL Battle Pass change makes getting new champs a lot harder

To keep a free-to-play game running, Riot has to make money somehow. And, though most of that revenue is driven by cosmetic sales, the temptation to buy new champions is a part of it.

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Sure, players can get Game Pass and get all LoL’s champions upfront, but the truly free-to-play experience has always been a difficult one for players who want to get all the champions. Sure, it’s possible to target a few characters you’d like to play, but it’s difficult after the new player Blue Essence bonuses are earned.

And, with the new Battle Pass system only having four champion capsules and 4750 Blue Essence, players can earn a total of 24 champion capsules and 28,500 BE a year according to Riot employee BarackProbama. Though some champs are fairly cheap and only cost 450, the new and exciting characters are 6300.

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So, if you wanted to get a character that costs 6300 BE and you have already exhausted all the currency that comes from past milestones, you’re left with the option to earn a measly 50 BE drops past level 50 on the pass.

League of Legends battle passThe Battle Pass provides meager rewards once you hit level 50

You don’t even have daily win challenges to help anymore, those got removed and converted into daily quests that give progress on the BP.

Getting a 6300 character through just grinding the drops at the end of the pass would take around 900 hours.

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BarackProbama responded to several Reddit posts to clarify what’s happening here, ultimately revealing that the math here would line up to a dedicated player being able to grind for 30 champions a year on average.

aurora in league of legendsRiot Games
Newer champions like Aurora will cost players a lot of Blue Essence if they want to buy them.

However, that number assumes people craft the permanent shards they’re given. You can disenchant these to get a character you want, but new players may not know that doing this makes the process of getting other new champions take even longer.

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This means that it’d take a new player, at best, around 5 years to unlock everyone. But that doesn’t include new champions that’ll get added to the game over that time.

4-5 new champs a year is the current number, and those new champions will be expensive, so a purely free-to-play LoL player in 2025 would have to spend 6-7 years grinding to catch up at the very least.

A huge contributing factor to this is that the Battle Pass changes have extended to champion mastery milestones as well, making it much harder to earn Hextech Chests. This is another way players often unlocked new champions and got their hands on Blue Essence.

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You’ll still get keys for free, ones that can be used if you decide to buy a chest from the in-game store using premium currency.

Intentional or otherwise, this new patch has made League of Legends a much more difficult free-to-play experience for new players.