LoL players unearth critical bug that instantly kills champs when levelling up

Kled Splash ArtRiot Games

League of Legends players have unearthed a critical bug that can instantly dismount and kill Kled when he levels up.

League of Legends is a pretty hefty game. With over 10 years of development under its belt, the game has seen plenty of new additions to the roster in the form of items, champions, and many systems. Because of this, many bugs crop up from time to time, and with an engine as old as League’s, it’s only bound to happen.

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Most of the time these issues are generally pretty harmless, a visual bug here and there, sometimes there are a couple of wrong numbers on tooltips but nothing much else.

There definitely hasn’t been a bug quite as bad as the one that’s recently cropped up for Kled. For some reason, Kled can randomly lose all their health while leveling up, dismounting from Kled, and dropping them to 1 health.

As showcased by YouTuber Vandiril, Kled can suddenly drop to 1 health upon leveling up, making them incredibly vulnerable and basically instantly killing them. Because any other damage source, even from a minion would result in their immediate death.

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What makes this even worse is that leveling up is completely involuntary, and will happen naturally when enemies die around you. So you could be laning normally and then all of a sudden lose all your HP, making you vulnerable to your enemy laner.

Fortunately, it seems like this bug is only in the limited-time URF mode, which despite the very sweaty player base is for fun. But from the looks of things it appears to be happening to a lot of Kled players, which means it’s a good idea to stay away from the champion while this bug is circulating.

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