LoL players tired of Arena mode’s return after “unfun” strategy appears

Shaco Splash ArtRiot Games

League of Legends players are growing tired of the limited-time 2v2 Arena mode due to an “unfun” strategy appearing.

Arena was one of the most popular game modes to ever be added to League of Legends. The limited-time mode saw 4 teams of 2 face off against each other in several rounds in various arenas. The team that lost would take damage depending on the round, with the team being completely eliminated from the game if their health reached 0.

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The game mode was an instant hit with players, who fell in love with the more arcadey style of gameplay. Players no longer needed to farm and build items before being able to tussle with one another, Arena allowed players to skip the grindy parts of League and get them right into the action.

That’s exactly why Riot decided to return the mode once more during December, allowing players to enter for the Winter holidays. The revamped arena saw plenty of changes since its first iteration, with new augments and item changes. However, it seems that players may be getting fed up with the mode, as players have expressed their tiredness with one “unfun” strategy.

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Players have become upset with a new strategy that has sprouted in Arena. The strategy involves stalling out the timer so that players will eventually take damage to the enclosing ring of fire. By avoiding damage and being tankier than their opponents, players can then win the round without ever having fought.

“Stalling on arena is one of the most unfun strategies to ever exist in any rotating gamemode.” the post reads.

Champions like Shaco and Tryndamere are perfect for this strategy, particularly when paired with the Nesting Doll augment that players have come to hate.

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“Honestly I don’t hate stalling nearly as much as I hate stalling with Nesting Doll the f**king 3 lives bullsh*t interaction has got to go.” one user complained.

“Nesting Doll is the worst augment they’ve added even compared to everything from wave one.” another agreed.

It’s uncertain if the devs have any plans to make fixes to this strategy to reduce its power, but with how much Riot is continuing to change in the mode it may be possible we see a solution in the future.

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