LoL players call for Riot to disable surrender option once and for all

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League of Legends players have called upon Riot to disable the surrender option once and for all, citing teams are giving up too quickly in ranked.

If there’s any concept League of Legends players are familiar with, it’s tilt. Tilt is almost a universal experience for any League of Legends player, cause when the game is going well, it feels great, but when it’s going bad, it feels absolutely awful.

That’s why the surrender option is available to players, for those who want to end their suffering as early as possible. The surrender vote has constantly been brought forward as the game progressed, with it originally being at 20 and eventually being changed to 15 minutes and earlier in other queues.

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However, players are now asking for the complete opposite; the removal of the surrender option altogether, as teams have begun giving up far too early.

Using a clip of pro player Jankos as an example, the player showcased his team surrendering the game just as Jankos hit his 15th kill. Obviously confused, the pro player flipped out in anger, saying that he could carry the game.

“This Jankos clip shows how FF culture is completely out of control, is just a self-fulfilling prophecy where ppl expect to FF at 3mins, and so should be removed from the game,” the Redditor argued.

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Another user pointed out that Jankos hadn’t even lost their outer middle turret yet, proving how quick players are to give up.

Others replied in agreement, claiming players were too focused on being the “main character”.

“Players just want to carry and feel op. If they are behind, they FF and move on. Doesn’t matter if the game is winnable, it’s not what they are looking for. They want to feel like the main character.”

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