LoL players call for return of old feature to deal with anyone on high ping

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As a LoL player poured out their frustration regarding having high ping teammates, some players can’t help but reminisce an old feature.

League of Legends has always been known for its competitive nature. While the goal of clearing the enemy’s Nexus may seem quite straightforward, there’s a lot of game-sense and mechanical skill involved in getting past the enemies’ lanes in the game.

That said, whether you’ve been playing on a different server or getting teamed up with higher ping teammates, chances are you’d realize how frustrating the experience can get when experiencing high ping – both when it comes to yourself and others.

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A player has poured out their frustration regarding this issue, leading to other players getting reminded of an old feature that’s no longer in the game. It all started from one League of Legends player who demanded that those playing above 200ms to be unable to queue in a Reddit thread.

Some players in the replies agreed with the OP and shared their suggestions on how Riot can alleviate this issue. Others suggested having a ping indicator on the game’s client and role selection screen to avoid getting into a laggy match.

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Meanwhile, some players were reminded of an old feature, bringing up that the ping indicator was actually an existing feature in the past. However, due to toxicity, it had to be removed.

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“In the past you could see everyone’s ping during the loading screen. It was a legit (degenerate) strategy to just camp the enemy with the 200+ ping because you get easily tilted more when having a high ping,” explained one user.

Another person even replied to this comment, saying, “Back in the day, you could see each player’s loading bar, and we made fun of the dude that loaded the slowest. That or saying dumb stuff like gg, their bot lane loaded faster.”

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While some players mentioned they missed the feature and suggested it to be added back, others slammed the OP instead, telling them to “git gud” and that it’s a “skill issue” of being unable to outclimb those on their MMR playing on higher ping.