LoL players call for Marksmen buffs after being labeled the weakest role

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League of Legends players and streamers have called for the marksman role to be buffed after labeling it the weakest role in the game.

League of Legends developers have some of the toughest challenges when it comes to balancing the game. With over 160 champions, heaps of different items, different dragon combinations, and more, there are a lot of factors that can affect the fairness of the game. As such, Riot releases patches that are supposed to help shift the game towards a more balanced state.

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Even then, these patches can sometimes miss out on certain areas or roles, leaving the players feeling forgotten and angry. This is particularly true for the marksmen role, who have been left feeling far weaker than in previous years.

Now players are calling for buffs to the role after being surprised that marksmen have not seen any changes in the recent patch.

LoL players agree marksmen are the weakest role

LoL streamers thebausffs and Nemesis both agreed that the role needed some changes, with the former stating that marksmen have been weak for the last half-year.

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“ADC role has been the weakest role for the last half year minimum.”

“100% correct.” Nemesis agreed.

Many players have claimed that supports have taken up too much of the power in bot lane, with champions like Senna becoming stronger as a marksman support than her marksman carry. This is alongside champions like Seraphine who have an excessively high win rate when playing bot lane, crowding out the role.

“All those people that used to complain about ADC either quit the role and queue as support now or quit the game imo.” one Redditor claimed.

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Riot Games
Champions like Seraphine and Senna have crowded out the bottom lane for marksmen.

One common theory amongst players is that the support role has to be overpowered, otherwise, players wouldn’t want to play it and therefore have players autofilled to the role.

“ADC and Support cannot be balanced in a vacuum from each other and the pairing will be way too overpowered unless supports are nerfed. But the devs keep saying that we’ll be stuck with autofilled supports unless support is kept overtuned.”

With League being a constantly shifting game, we may see buffs to ADCs soon, especially with how much players have been asking for the role to receive some love.

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