LoL players are dealing ‘infinite’ attack damage with broken Arena exploit

Kayn Splash ArtRiot Games

League of Legends players are now dealing with infinitely scaling attack damage thanks to an insane interaction between two augments in the new Arena mode.

The newest game mode in League of Legends has been a huge success for developers Riot Games. The 2v2v2v2 Arena mode has re-sparked a love that many felt they had lost with the game, easily becoming a fan favorite amongst players. Combining the fantastic fighting of League of Legends whilst removing the laning phase and objectives, Arena launches players right into the action.

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The mode pits teams of two against each other in various arenas, the losers take damage to their shared health pool and are eventually eliminated once dropping to zero. In between these rounds, players are able to purchase items and select augments that can drastically change the outcome of the match.

Augments come in three different tiers, silver, gold, and prismatic. The power of the augment depends on the tier, with prismatic level augments significantly shifting how you may play the game. Combining these augments together is key to winning the game, as their interactions can grant players bonuses far beyond the normal limits of League.

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LoL players discover insane augment interaction that breaks Arena

That’s exactly what happened to some players who rolled both Warmup Routine and Master of Duality. Warmup Routine gives the player a summoner spell that causes them to channel, for each second they channel they gain a damage bonus for that round. The prismatic augment Master of Duality grants players attack damage when they use abilities and ability power when they attack.

These augments alone aren’t anything to scoff at, their true power however comes when combined together. Warmup Routine doesn’t have any cooldown, this is so players can get back to channeling the spell as soon as they’re disrupted. The channeling player can also cancel the ability itself, but then recast it as soon as they press the button.

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This is absolutely broken as Master of Duality generally implies the player has longer cooldowns, but with Warmup Routine they can just spam the button to mass farm attack damage. Massive amounts of AD completely break the balancing of League of Legends, allowing champions who utilize the stat well to just one-shot others outright.

With the sheer popularity of Arena, it’s likely Riot will remove this interaction, or introduce a cooldown to Warmup Routine. However, until that time, players can run rampant with the wild amounts of AD granted by this interaction.

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