League of Legends patch 14.18 notes: All changes for Worlds 2024

Mythic Garen and Darius splash artsRiot Games

League of Legends’ next update, patch 14.18, is what Worlds 2024 will be played on, with the developers making changes more related to professional play.

Riot’s MOBA has gone through another whole year, and with it, a new world championship is taking place in Berlin. As such, the game worlds will be played on patch 14.18, so the devs are taking aim at champions, items, and runes to spice up the highest level of play.

With so many big changes coming, you’ll want to know what’s what. Fortunately, we’ve got every change for League of Legends patch 14.18 right here in the notes.

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When does League Patch 14.18 go live?

According to Riot’s patch schedule, League of Legends Patch 14.18 is expected to go live on September 11, 2024. Patch 14.18 will head to Oceanic servers first, with other servers slowly receiving it throughout the day.

Here are the key timings of Patch 14.18 for your server:

  • 3 AM PT (NA)
  • 5 AM GMT (EUW)
  • 3 AM CET (EUNE)
  • 8 AM KST (Korea)

When patching begins, there’ll be a few hours of downtime, and matchmaking queues will be taken offline approximately three hours beforehand.

What’s changing in LoL patch 14.18?

worlds-azirRiot Games

Changes for Worlds 2024

Many changes coming in patch 14.18 are aimed at balancing the game around professional play. This means changes to champions like Jax, Rell, and Gnar, who have seen a fair amount of play at the highest level.

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ADC nerfs

ADCs in particular are getting nerfed in patch 14.18 thanks to a nerf to Bloodthirster and a rework to Fleet Footwork, leaving the role a bit weaker than they were before. Many of the role’s strongest like Miss Fortune and Smolder are also getting hit with the nerf bat.

Nasus nerfs

Nasus’ E is getting some hefty nerfs to try and reduce his power level in mid lane. If you haven’t been paying attention to the insane mid meta over the last patch or two, this may seem like a strange nerf. It isn’t.

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New player onboarding improvements

For the first time in a while, Riot’s putting significant effort into trying to make the new player experience easier. Bots will now be introduced to matches with players who are completely new, ones that have been tuned purposely to ramp up the challenge they experience in their first real matches.

LoL patch 14.18 notes



E: Charm

  • Base damage increased: 80-200 >>> 80-240
  • AP scaling increased: 60% >>> 75%


R: Between Worlds

  • Jump maximum distance reduced: 450 >>> 250
  • Wall jump forgiveness reduced: 700 >>> 450
  • Duration decreased: 3/3.5/4 >>> 2/2.5/3


R: Emperor’s Divide

  • Damage decreased: 200/400/600 (+75% AP) >>> 175/325/475 (+60% AP)


Q: Phosphorous Bomb

  • Damage decreased: 70-270 >>> 70-250


Base Stats

  • Mini Gnar base AD increased: 57 >>> 60


WW: Pool of Reflection

  • Shield strength for allies increased: 50% >>> 75%


E: Triggerseed

  • Base damage reduced: 85-245 >>> 75-235
  • Slow reduced: 45/50/55/60/65% >>> 40/45/50/55/60%

Jarvan IV

Passive: Martial Cadence

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  • Health ratio increased: 7% current HP >>> 8% current HP


R: Grandmasters At Arms

  • On-hit base damage increased: 60/110/160 >>> 70/120/170
  • Bonus armor per target hit increased: 15/20/25 >>> 20/25/30
  • Base armor increased: 15/40/65 >>> 15/45/80
  • Base magic resist increased: 9/24/39 >>> 15/30/45


Q: To The Skies!

  • Slow increased: 30/35/40/45/50/55% >>> 35/40/45/50/55/60%

E: Acceleration Gate

  • Movement speed increased: 30/35/40/45/50/55% >>> 35/40/45/50/55/60%


Base Stats

  • Attack speed growth increased: 1 >>> 1.4


Base Stats

  • Armor reduced: 47 >>> 43


Passive: Dream-Laden Bough

  • Monster damage cap reduced: 70-100 >>> 65

R: Lilting Lullaby

  • Sleep duration reduced: 2/2.25/2.5 seconds >>> 2 seconds


Passive: Pix, Faerie Companion

  • Damage per bolt increased: 3-37 >>>> 5-39


Q: Ice Shard

  • AP ratio reduced: 85% >>> 75%


Passive: Granite Shield

  • Shield increased: 9% max HP >>> 10% max HP


Q: Bramble Smash

  • Base damage reduced: 65/115/165/215/265 >>> 65/110/155/200/245

E: Sapling Toss

  • Cooldown increased: 16-12 >>> 18-14
  • Brush duration reduced: 30 (+2.5% bonus HP) >>> 30 (+1.5% bonus HP)

Miss Fortune

Base Stats

  • Base AD reduced: 55 >>> 53


E: Spirit Fire

  • Initial base damage reduced: 55/95/135/175/210 >>> 50/80/110/140/170
  • Base damage per second reduced: 11/19/27/35/43 >>> 10/16/22/28/34


E: Full Tilt

  • Maximum Bonus Movement Speed: 12/14/16/18/20% >>> 12/13/14/15/16%
  • Maximum Bonus Movement Speed Toward Enemies or Targeted Ally: 24/28/32/36/40% >>> 24/26/28/30/32%


Q: Flamespitter

  • Base damage reduced: 80/105/130/155/180 >>> 60/90/120/150/180
  • AP scaling reduced: 110% >>> 100%

E: Electro Harpoon

  • Base damage reduced: 60/85/110/135/160 >>> 55/80/105/130/155


Q: Flair

  • AD scaling increased: 85-125% AD >>> 95-125% AD


Passive: Ki Barrier

  • Shield increased: 47-101 + 12% bonus HP >>> 47-120 + 13% bonus HP


Base Stats:

  • Health: 605 >>> 575

Q: Super Scorcher Breath

  • Base damage reduced: 20-60 >>> 15-55
  • AP ratio removed

W: Achoo!

  • Glob damage decreased: 50/80/110/140/170 >>> 45/75/105/135/165
  • Minion/Monster damage: 70/112/154/196/238 >>> 63/105/147/189/231


Q: Piercing Arrow

  • AD ratio reduced: 150/160/170/180/190% >>> 130/140/150/160/170%

E: Hail of Arrows

  • AD ratio reduced: 110% >>> 100%


Q: Vault Breaker

  • Minimum damage decreased: 50/75/100/125/150 >>> 45/70/95/120/145
  • Maximum damage decreased: 100/150/200/250/300 >>> 90/140/190/240/290


Base Stats:

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  • Base AD increased: 57 >>> 60

Q: Blade of the Ruined King

  • Q bonus monster damage decreased: 20 >>> 15

Xin Zhao

Base Stats:

  • Armor per level increased: 4.7 >>> 5

Q: Three Talon Strike

  • Base damage per attack increased: 16/25/34/43/52 >>> 16/29/42/55/68


Passive: Living Battery

  • 90-200 (based on level) (+1-15% target’s maximum health) (progression followed stat growth) >>> 75-160 (based on level) (+1-11% target’s maximum health) (progression is now linear)


Passive: Short Fuse

  • Increased Damage to Structures: 150% >>> 75%



  • Lifesteal reduced: 18% >>> 15%
  • Shield reduced: 50-400 (levels 1-18) >>> 165-315 (levels 8-18)

Immortal Shieldbow

  • Shield changed: 320-720 >>> 400-700 (melee)/320-560 (ranged)

Luden’s Companion

  • Cost reduced: 2900 >>> 2850
  • Ability haste reduced: 25 >>> 20
  • AP increased: 95 >>> 100


  • Health threshold increased: 35% >>> 40%
  • Magic pen increased: 12 >>> 15
  • AP reduced: 120 >>> 115
  • DoT bonus damage reduced: 30% >>> 25%


  • Damage threshold reduced: 35% max HP >>> 25% max HP
  • Ranged penalty removed
  • Movement speed reduced: 8% >>> 5%
  • Magic pen increased: 10 >>> 15

Trinity Force

  • These changes have been pulled from the patch


Turret Plates

  • Permanent resist per destroyed Turret Plate increased: 40 >>> 50
  • Temporary resists per destroyed Plate for 20 seconds decreased: 45 for champion >>> 20 for champion

Turret Fortifications

  • Pre-5 minute damage reduction increased: 75% >>> 85%

Fleet Footwork

  • Base heal increased: 5-100 >>> 10-130
  • Healing reduced to 60% for ranged
  • Minion healing changed from 20/10% (melee/ranged) >>> 15% flat
  • Melee movement speed increased: 15% >>> 20/15% (melee/ranged)

Systems and Bug Fixes

New player experience

  • During a player’s first few games, new players might see bots (don’t worry, they’re the good kind) in their non-ranked games. These bots will adapt to their skill, providing a more gradual onramp to League of Legends
  • Players will only see these bots in their first few games of normal queues. Players WILL NOT encounter them in any queue after their first few normal games
  • Established players of League won’t see any changes unless they queue with a new player
  • Our goal is to improve the learning process and help new players learn and discover the fun that League has to offer. Depending on what we learn from the initial regional launch, we will continue to iterate on an experience that best supports new player learning and growth and evaluate expansion to more regions and other non-ranked use cases later on

Bugfixes/QoL changes

  • Fixed a bug that caused Tenacity to not reduce the duration of Slows from certain itemsand runes’ effects
  • Fixed a bug that caused Swain’s R heal to not be reduced when used on Voidmites
  • Fixed a bug that caused Pyke’s VO upon killing a champion and his ability VO on execution to not play at the same time for slain enemy champions
  • Fixed a bug that caused Magic Penetration to not correctly stack with itself
  • Fixed a bug that caused Morgana’s first encounter VO to be audible to enemy players
  • Fixed a bug that caused some of Bel’Veth’s VO to not trigger
  • Fixed a bug that caused Vladmir to be able to take damage while in his pool form
  • Fixed a bug that caused Skarner’s E stun to sometimes allow enemies to perform abilitie sor attacks during the stun
  • Fixed a bug that caused Moonstone Renewer to be audible through the Fog of War
  • Fixed a bug that caused certain VO for Akali to not play