LoL Patch 14.10 May 17 micropatch nerfs overperforming items and Champions

PsyOps SamiraRiot Games

The LoL devs have issued a new update for Patch 14.10, nerfing overperforming items and Champions like Draven, Samira, and Fated Ashes following the larger item revamp.

League of Legends made some major changes to the MOBA in Patch 14.10. Now the devs are issuing a micropatch to help ease in some of the changes, as well as nerf over-performers who have benefitted from the changes to ADC items.

Patch 14.10 saw a huge revamp to ADC items in particular, with the role as a whole having more flexible itemization that doesn’t force them to all in on critical strike to deal damage. This has resulted in a few ADCs like Samira and Draven becoming rather powerful, so Riot is nerfing them in the micropatch.

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Similarly, Patch 14.10 also introduced a rework to Corki, which sees him now play as a more traditional ADC, as well as the arrival of AP jungle items Blackfire Torch and Fated Ashes. These have also been targeted in the micro patch, with the former receiving buffs and the latter receiving nerfs.

Samira is having her AD growth reduced, with her W and R damage reduced as well. Draven’s passive gold is being reduced in this patch, with his Q base damage being dropped slightly too — which should stop the ADC from snowballing out of control.

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On the other end, Corki and Smolder have struggled to keep up in Patch 14.10, so the devs are bumping up their numbers to let them have a fighting chance.

Corki’s Q, E, and R are all having their damage and AD scaling increased, which should help him hit a bit harder later in the game. Smolder’s base stats are going up slightly, which will help his lane phase and allow him to gain his stacks of Dragon Practice.

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Item-wise, Essence Reaver is gaining 5 AD after its rework, while Blackfire Torch, Fated Ashes, Knight’s Vow, and Zeal are all having their stats lowered.

Blackfire Torch and Fated Ashes are having their burn reduced after they quickly shot up to being a premier AP item. Knight’s Vow is having its armor and ability haste dropped slightly, while Zeal is losing 5% of its critical strike chance.