LoL devs tease further restrictions for new accounts to access ranked

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League of Legends devs have teased further restrictions for brand-new accounts to access the game’s ranked mode.

League of Legends has just begun its ranked season for 2024. This means players have begun the grind, trying to attain an ever higher rank that they can flex on the rest of the player base. Players need to undertake their placement games before they’re able to fully know their rank.

Many players have discovered that they’re placing a far lower rank than usual. This has prompted Riot to come forward with an apology, explaining that many players were supposed to be demoted in the previous season. Now the current placements have placed players at their true MMR.

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Now the developers have also asked brand new players to play normal games before heading into the ranked mode, teasing further restrictions that may come in the future.

Riot requested players try out a couple of normal games before heading straight into ranked, claiming that it would help properly seed players into the correct rank.

“PSA: Play some normal games before queueing up for your first ranked game ever (new accounts only) so we can seed you correctly.

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We’re investigating making playing some normals a prerequisite to playing ranked, but that won’t be for a bit,” lead gameplay designer Riot Phroxzon stated.

The dev did state that the team is currently investigating new prerequisites for playing ranked, meaning players may need to hop into some normal games before being able to queue into ranked.

However, this feature won’t be coming for a bit, giving players a bit more time to hop into ranked before these new prerequisites enter the rift.

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