LoL devs defend bizarre Twitch interaction making champs ult completely useless

Twitch Shadowfoot Splash ArtRiot Games

The League of Legends development team has defended a bizarre interaction with Twitch’s ultimate ability that renders it completely useless.

League of Legends is a huge game with over 140 champions available each with multiple unique abilities. Because of the sheer amount of variance, the game has become increasingly complex, and players need to know how each champion interacts with one another based on their abilities.

This may be in the form of knowing counters to certain moves or understanding how a champion plays in order to best defeat them. Oftentimes certain interactions can be completely forgotten before long, as their occurrence is so niche, many players completely forget about it.

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One such interaction is Twitch’s ultimate ability Spray and Pray. Spray and Pray grants Twitch an insane amount of range and AD, allowing him to pierce enemies with his auto attacks. However, the ability has a massive downside to it, one that many players never even knew about.

LoL dev defends bizarre Twitch ultimate interaction

Twitch’s ultimate enhances his auto attacks, which are normally point-and-click. This means that once you’ve clicked on a target and the auto attack is flying, the enemy can’t dodge it. This isn’t the case for Twitch’s ultimate though, as players with a high enough movement speed can just walk out of the way.

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As showcased by Reddit user Tipperdair, Twitch’s ultimate can completely whiff on a moving target, essentially making his ult a downgrade in certain scenarios.

Many players have questioned why this interaction even exists in the first place, stating that the initial target should always still be hit by the auto attack. However, League of Legends developer Phreak came in with a defense for the design.

“We had this discussion. One of the designers literally started quoting Twitch lines. Long story short we elected to give him some level of unreliability (you can Flash for example) but in the average case he will hit.” the dev explained.

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The developers wanted to give Twitch a certain level of unreliability with his ultimate, as they believed it worked well with his character. Because of this, they were happy letting Twitch whiff shots here and there, after all, his eyes are on the side of his head.