LoL devs confirm massive buffs for ADCs in patch 13.2

big adc buffs patch 13.2 LoLRiot Games

In their ongoing effort to rebalance League of Legends after the Season 13 patch went live, some massive buffs for every ADC champion are on the way in patch 13.2, according to Phreak.

League of Legends Season 13 hasn’t gotten off to the best start. A mix of disappointment from the 2023 cinematic and balance issues like Rammus getting nerfed into oblivion has left the community wanting more.

That said, the team has been rapidly making changes and trying to increase players’ level of satisfaction with the game. Patch 13.2 is set to rectify many of the issues players have, with Phreak revealing that ADCs are getting some huge buffs.

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Phreak recently put down his career as a caster to join the balance team, and he’s already making some huge changes to League of Legends. Whether or not they help remains to be seen.

Huge ADC buffs are coming in LoL patch 13.2

The bulk of the Season 13 changes were oriented toward tanks. Adding a few tank Mythics combined with a bunch of tank item changes left ADCs in the dust when it came to Season 13, with the role receiving very few direct changes.

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In response to recent controversy within the League of Legends community, the balance team has committed to making a series of balance changes to the game.

Phreak has presented the first set of sweeping changes to the game since Season 13 began, and they’re focused on getting ADCs to their power spikes much faster than before and giving them much more survivability.

While these changes may have some effect outside the ADC role, they’re mainly pointed toward the bot lane. Infinity Edge and Navori Quickblades having value after building your crit Mythic is bound to change up some build paths while hopefully not breaking other crit-reliant champions like Tryndamere and Gangplank.

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Additionally, the Overheal rune has much more value on squishy champions with it having a base shield that scales with level rather than something that scales directly off of % max HP. Bloodthirster is also getting some (mostly) buffs, with a buff to its shield and a cheaper overall cost coming at the price of a bit of its lifesteal.

Phreak mentions that a “bunch of champions” are getting their mana buffed but doesn’t give details in the Twitter thread. Here’s the full list pulled from his in-depth video explaining the buffs. Keep in mind all numbers below scale on a per-level basis.

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  • Mana scaling: 32 ⇒ 35
  • Mana regen scaling: .4 ⇒ .65


  • Mana scaling: 35 ⇒ 40
  • Mana regen scaling: .55 ⇒ .7


  • Mana regen scaling: .65 ⇒ 1


  • W mana cost: 50-90 ⇒ 50-70
  • E mana cost: 30-50 ⇒ 30


  • Base mana: 245 ⇒ 260
  • Mana growth: 45 ⇒ 50
  • W mana cost: 50-90 ⇒ 50-70


  • Base mana: 344.88 ⇒ 345
  • Mana scaling: 38 ⇒ 40
  • Mana regen scaling: .45 ⇒ .7


  • Base mana: 349 ⇒ 340
  • Mana growth: 38 ⇒ 45
  • Base mana regen: 8.18 ⇒ 8
  • Mana regen growth: .7 ⇒ .85

Miss Fortune

  • Mana growth: 35 ⇒ 40
  • Mana regen: 8.05 ⇒ 8
  • Mana regen growth: .65 ⇒ .8


  • Mana regen growth: .4 ⇒ .7


  • Mana scaling: 40 ⇒ 45
  • W mana cost: 60-80 ⇒ 60


  • Base mana: 287.2 ⇒ 300
  • Mana regen scaling: .45 ⇒ .7


  • Mana regen scaling: .75 ⇒ .8

These buffs are meant to enable ADCs to use more abilities in lane and to give them a bit more agency in the early game. While it may not seem like these are huge buffs, having enough mana to cast an extra ability could mean the difference between life and death in certain situations.

According to Phreak, these changes will be going live on patch 13.2.