MAD Lions dominate LEC 2022 Summer All-Pro first team

LEC summer all proLEC

With the Summer split coming to an end, the LEC Summer 2022 All-pro teams have been confirmed, following votes from players, the media, and Riot staff – with four MAD Lions players dominating the first squad.

The all-pro standings have changed considerably since spring, with the first all-pro team being entirely different this time around.

These all-pro teams have been determined by a ballot sent to players, Riot staff, and a select few journalists to give their opinion on the best players of the season. Players are “scored” based on their placement in participants’ votes for first, second, and third all-pro teams, and those with the highest scores claim a spot on the all-pro teams for the split.

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Summer MADness

One thing may be immediately obvious looking at the first summer all-pro team: It’s literally just MAD Lions minus Armut.

Nisqy’s return to the LEC has been a triumphant one, with him often being credited as the man who got MAD Lions back into shape after a disappointing Spring Split. But he clearly isn’t solo carrying the team.

Armut is the only player from MAD Lions that isn’t on the first all-pro team. Instead, G2’s Broken Blade has taken the crown as the best top laner in the LEC.

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The second summer all-pro team has some all-time greats on it, with Caps and Jankos maintaining their spots as some of the best players in Europe.

Rogue also maintained a strong presence in the summer all-pro standings, although they aren’t ranked quite as high as they were in spring. Comp took a spot on the second all-pro team, while Odoamne and Trymbi managed to make it onto the third team.

Interestingly enough, Alphari made it onto the second all-pro team despite being eliminated from Playoffs. Even with Vitality’s disappointing results, experts were still impressed by his top lane prowess.

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Misfits’ hard carry players managed to make the third all pro team after bringing Misfits to glory for their final split in the LEC. It’s a step down for mid laner Vetheo from first in spring.

Fnatic are entirely missing from the all-pro lineups after barely scraping their way into the Playoffs.

You can find the full list of LEC Summer All-Pro teams below.

LEC Summer All-Pro Teams

First LEC Summer All-Pro Team:

  • Top: Sergen ‘Broken Blade’ Çelik (G2 Esports)
  • Jungle: Javier ‘Elyoya’ Prades Batalla (MAD Lions)
  • Mid: Yasin ‘Nisqy’ Dinçer (MAD Lions)
  • ADC: William ‘UNF0RGIVEN’ Nieminen (MAD Lions)
  • Support: Norman ‘Kaiser’ Kaiser (MAD Lions)

Second LEC Summer All-Pro Team:

  • Top: Barney ‘Alphari’ Morris (Team Vitality)
  • Jungle: Marcin ‘Jankos’ Jankowski (G2 Esports)
  • Mid: Rasmus ‘caPs’ Borregaard Winther (G2 Esports)
  • ADC: Markos ‘Comp’ Stamkopoulos (Rogue)
  • Support: Raphaël ‘Targamas’ Crabbé (G2 Esports)

Third LEC Summer All-Pro Team:

  • Top: Andrei ‘Odoamne’ Pascu (Rogue)
  • Jungle: Mark ‘Markoon’ van Woensel (EXCEL)
  • Mid: Vincent ‘Vetheo’ Berrié (Misfits)
  • ADC: Matúš ‘Neon’ Jakubčík (Misfits)
  • Support: Adrian ‘Trymbi’ Trybus (Rogue)