League streamer under fire for using bot to auto-report entire lobby

Riot Games

League of Legends streamer ‘BARDINETTE,’ who plays off-meta picks and Bard in the top lane, has come under fire from the game’s community for using a bot to auto-report entire lobbies after matches.

The streamer was caught using a bot to report every player in a match on stream while he was away from his computer. His mouse can be seen going from static to clicking on the report icon on every player from the enemy team in a just-finished game.

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The bot then selected almost every option for reporting a player, from “negative attitude” to “cheating” and “hate speech.”

The League of Legends Reddit quickly picked up on the clip, with users slamming BARDINETTE for mass reporting the lobby after “forcing” his team to play around his off-meta pick.

“A good demonstration of why Reports are not taken seriously,” one Reddit user said.

“Yeah, he’s definitely a well-adjusted person not terrorizing solo queue by checks notes forcing everyone to play the game how he wants, and using a script to report everyone he plays with,” another said.

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The streamer responded to the thread and explained the clip on social media, saying “The witch hunt continues.”

“I have a background working in automation so I have fun doing entire champ select and reports by the press of a button while I go grab some snacks. This specific game had at least five or six players showing very toxic behavior which is against the Sommoner’s Code!

“So I decided to activate the mass report protocol… It’s just a little funny thing to use for the steam don’t overthink it,” BARDINETTE said in the thread.

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The streamer has previously come under fire for his approach to the game, playing Bard in the top lane instead of support. He usually roams around trying to help his teammates get ahead while letting the enemy top laner take his towers to soak up gold and experience uncontested.

However, BARDINETTE has continued to rank high on the competitive ladder with his unorthodox style of play.