League pros discover Camille support build that makes her a top-tier pick

League pros discover Camille support buildRiot Games

Though Season 14 has been live for a while, League of Legends players are still cooking with the season’s new items to figure out what the best strategies are. As it turns out, Camille may be better in support right now than she is in top lane.

League of Legends has had its fair share of bizarre meta developments over the years, with champions sometimes having a sort of X-factor that makes them strong in roles they really shouldn’t be viable in.

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And, while we don’t have Chemtank Akali on our hands here, there’s a new support pick that’s been rising in popularity, to the point where she’s more popular in support than she is as a top laner.

Camille is taking over the support role as a surprisingly strong pick thanks to a few Season 14 items giving her a massive boost.

League players prefer Camille in support rather than top lane

Though she’s known more for being a split pusher/late game hyper carry, Camille has a ton of utility in her kit that can be more useful than it appears.

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With two sources of CC (three if you count her ult), high mobility, and true damage that lets her do high damage to any target without having to build pen make her a force to be reckoned with in the role. What’s more, Camille support isn’t exactly a new concept.

Arcana Camille in League of LegendsRiot Games

The history of the pick in high level play stems all the way back to 2017, with some players like long retired NA support Gate having her as a pocket pick. That said, she wasn’t one-shotting with support items back then. The key to her success is Bloodsong, one of the new support items.

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It’s a Spellblade item Camille can get with relative ease, one that increases the amount of damage her target takes from other sources while allowing her to deal 150% bonus base AD damage on that Spellblade hit. And, with a 1.5 second cooldown on the passive, she can proc it on both hits of her Q.

Her pick rate in support has surpassed her top lane pick rate, with her having a strong win rate that only gets better and better as ranks get higher. Top level players are abusing this pick at the moment.

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Pros like Team WE’s Iwandy, HLE’s Delight, Vitality’s Hylissang, G2’s Mikyx, KT’s BeryL, LNG’s Hang and more have been spotted giving Camille support a shot in their solo queue games. Pros are already practicing her, and it’s only a matter of time until we see Camille in pro play if she goes without nerfs.

As it stands, no upcoming patches indicate that Camille will be getting a nerf. So, how do you build her if you want to play her for yourself?

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What do you build on Camille support?

Pros are split on what the best build for Camille is, with players still experimenting to find what’s most optimal on her. Seeing as you’ll probably never hit full build with her anyways, we’ll toss in some of her most popular items.

As of right now, going into either Eclipse or Sundered Sky is the move. Eclipse’s lethality and the added tankiness from its shield passive are a huge boon, although Sundered Sky’s synergy with Bloodsong also makes it a great option.

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Umbral Glaive is fantastic for getting vision control, and it’s a strong second item choice. Don’t grab it first item, but it can be great for gaining vision control and ambushing the enemy in their jungle. Sterak’s meanwhile, is strong if you lack frontline or if you’re having a hard time staying alive.

Runes, meanwhile, are generally agreed upon and are static across all players. Here’s what people are running:

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Zombie Ward and Eyeball Collection are interchangeable depending on personal preference, and Bone Plating should be swapped out for Second Wind against heavy poke lanes. Otherwise, this is what you’ll want to be running.

Play Camille support while you can; it wouldn’t be surprising to see her get nerfed if pros decide to pick her up in their stage games.