League of Legends Skarner theme reveals a champion’s surprise visual update

Malphite Splash ArtRiot Games

League of Legends’ new Skarner theme video has revealed a surprise visual update for the champion Malphite.

LoL’s new Skarner theme video has revealed some surprising new information about an upcoming visual update in League of Legends. It appears that Malphite, the top lane tank, will be next to receive an update, which should see a new model and potentially new VFX for his abilities.

This was spotted by a handful of players who saw during the brief snippets of gameplay that Malphite looked a tad different from his usual self. The rock has seen better days, with a model that doesn’t quite seem to fit with League’s more sharp contemporary aesthetic.

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The new Malphite appears to be a much spikier and sharper version of himself, boasting a fresh new aesthetic that really plays into his power fantasy as a giant boulder capable of withstanding an onslaught.

Seen for just a glimpse at the timestamp 1:50, Skarner ults Malphite, Qiyana, and Milio, giving us a little sneak peek at the visual update ahead of its release.

We don’t yet know when exactly this visual update will be ready for Malphite, but considering it’s already being shown off in teaser trailers means it could be hitting the live server far earlier than we think.

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