League of Legends players slam devs for state of Yorick: “Riot actually forgot about him”

Yorick Splash ArtRiot Games

League of Legends players have taken to Reddit to complain about the current state of the Shadow Isles juggernaut Yorick, with some claiming devs may have even ‘forgotten’ the character altogether.

League of Legends is a pretty massive game, with over 160 champions on offer to players it’s easy to find a champion to play from game to game. Not all champions are made equal, however, certain characters such as Kai’sa, Akali, and Yasuo have become fan favorites of the title easily being the most popular around. These champions often receive the most skins and balance changes as they’re often considered the icons of the game.

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However, with every popular champion comes an equally unpopular champion. Champions that generally have lower damage, mobility, and outplay potential tend to hover near the bottom of the popularity charts. These characters don’t really see much play in comparison to their favorite counterparts. As such they generally gain fewer skins, aren’t targetted with as many balance patches, and can often go untouched for years.

This is definitely the case for poor old Yorick Mori. Yorick was a champion released back in 2011. Capable of summoning grisly ghouls to take down his enemies, Yorick was always considered a slightly underrated champion. He did receive a rework that brought him back into the limelight but since that time has remained somewhat irrelevant. So much so that one League of Legends player decided to remind Riot that he exists.

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Yorick main pleas for Riot to update and fix Yorick

The player who goes by the name Kampyscho on Reddit created a Reddit post talking all about how Yorick has been left in the dust. Psycho decided to point out the issues after it was confirmed there were no minions in the new Arena mode. This is integral to Yorick’s kit, meaning he was practically unplayable in the mode.

“Shortly after the New Mode launched on PBE and of course Yorick had no way to get his Ghouls for the first 2 rounds, basically damn near unplayable since he’s a necromancer reliant on his pets for DPS.”

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Psycho listed many issues with the Shadow Isle’s Juggernaut, which finally received some quality-of-life updates in the arena mode, but was still left far behind on Summoner’s Rift. Unfortunately for Pyscho, the proposed changes for Yorick were not intended for Summoner’s Rift.

Spirit Blossom YorickRiot Games
Spirit Blossom Yorick was the latest skin released for the champion, back in October 2022.

Riot did mention some adjustments coming to Yorick, however, it turns out these were merely bugfixes and not ones that were common.

“Later on that day of course we got the full list of the Patch 13.14 and come to find out the “adjustments” were just a bugfix, now I love it, when Riot bugfixes Yorick especially when he has a long list of bugs done by u/NinetalesLoL instead of addressing some of the most constant ones, like the Ghoul Leap Bug, Corruption Pot Bug, Minion aggro Bug, or just his bad AI, The Bugfix is to Yorick’s interaction with Lifesteal…” the post reads.

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Psycho goes on to speak more about Yorick’s history of nerfs, and how Riot has essentially left him behind, leaving a rather apt quote.

“I don’t live in hope, I work to return it” – Yorick Mori.

It’s uncertain if Riot will be looking at Yorick anytime soon, but the mains of the unorthodox champions feel he needs some love, and fast.