League of Legends players plea for devs to bring back retired game mode

Twisted Treeline ImageRiot Games

League of Legends players have pleaded with the developers to bring back the 3v3 retired game mode and map.

Riot’s popular MOBA League of Legends has come a long way from its original inception back in 2009. The title has seen plenty of shifts in the meta, as the developers look to change up how the game is played, what champions are strong and what strategies are the best to undertake.

The game has also seen a shift in focus, as originally it catered far more toward a casual audience, offering several different game modes that appeased the player base in various ways. However, the game has since focused far more on the premier 5v5 mode, leaving the others in the dust.

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With the retirement of the older modes, many players have asked the developers to bring them back due to wanting more variety within the game.

League of Legends players have requested to bring the Twisted Treeline game mode back to the game. The 3v3 mode hosted a separate map and a different meta, severely changing how the game plays, the champions that are strong, and the strategies players employ.

“We need twisted treeline back in the game, for quicker and less tilting games, along with a ranked solo/duo version so we can see how well players truly perform as compared to solo queue with inting teammates.” the post reads.

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Others chimed in, speaking on how much they enjoyed the mode.

“Twisted Treeline was the only PvP mode we actually enjoyed. When they deleted it most of my friends stopped playing League. The pre-rework and the reworked were both great. We have so many fun memories from those.”

Unfortunately, it doesn’t seem that the devs have any plans on bringing the mode back, meaning players will just have to reminisce about the mode that has come and gone.

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