League of Legends players claim “boring” top laner is ruining pro play

Empyrean Ksante Splash ArtRiot Games

One champion has risen to the top of picks that viewers hate to see in competitive play, and to make matters worse, they’re way too common a pick.

K’Sante has been a strange champion ever since he was added to League. The Shuriman tank promised to be a shake-up from the traditional damage sponges, with more mobility and opportunities for outplays.

And while K’Sante outplays are certainly common now, it says more about the champion’s strengths than the player, which is why he’s become such a staple in the top lane for pro play.

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Currently sitting at a 60% pick-ban rate over the last year of the LCK, K’Sante does everything you’d want a top laner to do. He’s self-reliant, tanks all the damage you want him to, and can straight-up remove an enemy target from a teamfight if you’re positioning correctly.

League of Legends players brand K’Sante as “boring” in pro play

However, The reliance on K’Sante picks makes watching pro play more boring, according to some players who aren’t happy with the meta.

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One player took to the League of Legends subreddit to voice their complaints about K’Sante, saying: “In pro play it’s impossible to do anything against him. He just scales up. They can’t really damage him well and he has cc and damage. He is just boring to watch.

“This isn’t about whether he is balanced. I don’t know and I don’t care. He is just boring.”

It’s pretty clear that League players want more active pro play games, seeing how the community reacted to the removal of stopwatch at the beginning of the 2024 season.

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