League of Legends patch 13.20 notes: K’Sante rework, jungle nerfs, Jax update, & more

Riot Games

League of Legends patch 13.20 will bring an entire rework for Shuriman tank K’Sante, as well as further experimental changes as we head towards preseason These include nerfs to runes, jungling, jungle objectives, and some champion balance changes.

Now that Patch 13.19 has been locked in and is live for World’s 2023, the League of Legends developers are looking to take swings to shake up the rift once more. Patch 13.20 will bring a hefty amount of changes to the MOBA, including a rework for K’Sante, changes to jungle, and a shift to starter items.

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When does LoL Patch 13.20 go live?

League of Legends Patch 13.20 is expected to go live on 11 October 2023, according to Riot’s patch schedule. Patch 13.20 will head to Oceanic servers first, with other servers slowly receiving it throughout the day.

Here are the key timings of Patch 13.20 for your server:

  • 3 AM PT (NA)
  • 5 AM GMT (EUW)
  • 3 AM CET (EUNE)
  • 8 AM KST (Korea)

There’ll be a few hours of downtime when patching begins, and matchmaking queues will be taken offline about three hours beforehand.

What’s changing in LoL Patch 13.20?

K’Sante gets “reworked”

KSsante is receiving a major rework in Patch 13.20 that aims to keep his fun and identity intact whilst reducing his skew towards professional play. Some nerfs, some buffs, and some major gameplay changes. While none of his basic abilities have been touched as far as core functionality goes, the way they interact with each other and other game mechanics has been drastically changed.

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Nerfs to jungle

The jungle role has been incredibly powerful for the longest time in League of Legends, as such Riot is looking to bring the power of the role down by nerfing things that won’t affect it’s fun.

League of Legends Patch 13.20 early notes



Q: Avengerang

  • Bonus movement speed: 40% >>> 20/25/30/35/40%

E: Heroic Swing

  • Base damage per shot: 30-90 >>> 25-85


Passive: Death in Lavender

  • Bonus attack speed reduced: 25 – 50% (based on linear level scaling) >>> 20 – 40% (based on stat progression multiplier)

E: Royal Maelstrom

  • Damage reduction reduced: 70% at all ranks >>> 42/49/56/63/70%
  • Minimum base damage per hit reduced: 8/10/12/14/16 >>> 6/7/8/9/10
  • Minimum AD ratio per hit increased: 6% >>> 8%
  • Can now critically strike

R: Endless Banquet

  • Remora health changed: 40/50/60% >>> 20/45/70%


W: Shield of Durand

  • Cooldown: 18/17.5/17/16.5/16 >>> 18/17/16/15/14
  • Shield out of combat timer: 12 seconds flat >>> 12/11/8 (levels 1/6/11)


Base Stats

  • Health growth increased: 100 >>> 105

Passive: Get Excited!

  • Bonus attack speed now stacks upon takedowns.

R: Super Mega Death Rocket

  • Cooldown reduced: 75-55 >>> 70-40 seconds
  • Minimum damage: 30/45/60 (+15% bonus AD) >>> 32.5/47.5/62.5 (+16.5% bonus AD)
  • Maxiumu damage: 300/450/600 (+150% bonus AD) 325/475/625 (+165% bonus AD)


Base Stats

  • Armor: 28 >>> 25


K’Sante’s getting a “rework” this patch, one that doesn’t change any of his base abilities directly but does entirely change the way he uses them. You can read the full change list here.

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E: Warm Hugs

  • Recharge timer reduced: 18-14 seconds >>> 17-13 seconds
  • Base shield strength: 60/85/110/135/160 >>> 60/90/120/150/180

R: Breath of Life

  • Heal AP ratio increased: 30% >>> 50%


W: Tormented Shadow

  • AP ratio per tick increased: 7% >>> 8.5%
  • Monster damage increased: 155% >>> 165%

E: Black Shield

  • Cooldown increased: 24/22/20/18/16 seconds >>> 26/23.5/21/18.5/16 seconds

R: Soul Shackles

  • Base damage increased: 150-300 >>> 175-375
  • AP ratio increased: 70% >>> 80%
  • Bonus movement speed increased: 5-55% >>> 10-60%
  • Now gives bonus movement speed when moving towards all directions instead of just towards enemy champions.
  • Stun duration increased: 1.5 seconds at all ranks >>> 1.5/1.75/2 seconds


Base Stats

  • Attack damage growth increased: 2.4 >>> 2.7
  • Base health reduced: 603 >>> 565
  • Base movement speed reduced: 335 >>> 330


W: Living Shadow

  • Cooldown: 20/18.5/17/15.5/14 seconds >>> 20/19.25/18.5/17.75/17 seconds


Q: Bouncing Bomb

  • Explosion diameter: 150 >>> 180


Blighting Jewel

  • Total price: 1250 >>> 1100

Youmuu’s Ghostblade

  • Spectral Shard Lethality: 3-12 (levels 7-18) >>> 7-18 (levels 7-18)

Duskblade of Draktharr

  • Ability Haste: 20 >>> 15
  • Damage Amp: 0-18% >>> 0-16%

Lord Dominik’s Regards

  • 0-25% increased Physical and Magic damage against targets with more maximum health than the user >>> 0-22% increased Physical and Magic damage against targets with more maximum health than the use
  • Passive now applies before shields and lifesteal are calculated

Doran’s Blade

  • AD: 8 >>> 10
  • Health: 80 >>> 100

Doran’s Shield

  • Health: 80 >>> 110
  • Regen when damaged: 0-40 health over 8 seconds >>> 0-45 health over 8 seconds

Doran’s Ring

  • AP: 15 >>> 18
  • Health: 70 >>> 90

Dark Seal

  • Health: 40 >>> 50

Relic Shield

  • AP: 5 >>> 7
  • Health: 30 >>> 50

Steel Shoulderguards

  • AD: 3 >>> 4
  • Health: 30 >>> 50

Spectral Sickle

  • AD: 5 >>> 6
  • Health: 10 >>> 25

Spellthief’s Edge

  • AP: 8 >>> 10
  • Health: 10 >>> 25

Jungle Nerfs

While not every change to the jungle in this patch is a nerf, the vast majority are. The role’s power level is getting significantly reduced as a result of these changes.


  • Damage to Champions/Pets: 20-160 (levels 1-18) >>> 40 flat
  • [NEW] Smite Epic Monster Forgiveness: Smite now has 350 units of targeting forgiveness against Epic Monsters. This means if your cursor is near their model but not on top of another valid target it will act as though you are targeting them.
  • Primal Smite AoE Damage when Smiting Monsters: 50% of Smite’s damage >>> 100% of Smite’s damage

Jungle Companion Nerfs

  • Junglers with Primal Smite no longer take 20% less damage from epic monsters when two or more allies are nearby.
  • Gustwalker
    • Brush movement speed increase: 45% >>> 30%
    • Large monster kill movement speed increase: 60% >>> 45%
  • Mossstomper
    • 60-281 (levels 1-18) >>> 180-300 (levels 10-18)
    • Shield no longer grants tenacity and slow resist
  • Scorchclaw
    • No longer procs from Smite, requires damage from a spell or basic attack

Jungle Companion Scaling

  • Companion damage scaling adjusted: 16 (+10% bonus AD) (+12% AP) (+10% bonus armor) (+10% bonus magic resistance) (+3% bonus health) true damage >>> 16 (+10% AP) (+20% bonus armor) (+20% bonus magic resistance) (+3% bonus health)
  • Companion damage radius: 900 >>> 650
  • Companion’s heal per second now capped at 12-45 (levels 1-12)

Jungle Camp Health Adjusted

The actual formulas behind the changes to camp health are a bit complicated, so here’s an idea of where jungle camps’ health starts and where it’ll end up by level 18. The big takeaway here is that jungle camps will be much harder to kill in late game than before, although some will be a bit weaker in the mid game than before.

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  • Blue Sentinel Health: 2300 – 4600 (levels 1-11) >>> 2300 – 6210 (levels 1-18)
  • Red Brambleback Health: 2300 – 4600 (levels 1-11) >>> 2300 – 6210 (levels 1-18)
  • Sir Gromp Health: 2050 – 4100 (levels 1-11) >>> 2050 – 4817.5 (levels 1-18)
  • Crimson Raptor Health: 1100 – 2585 (levels 1-11) 1200 – 2820 (levels 1-18)
  • Raptors Health: 500 – 1000 (levels 1-11) ; 500 – 1175 (levels 1-18)
  • Greater Murk Wolf Health: 1600 – 3200 (levels 1-11) ; 1600 – 3760 (levels 1-18)
  • Murk Wolves Health: 630 – 1260 (levels 1-11) ; 630 – 1480.5 (levels 1-18)
  • Ancient Krug Health: 1350 – 2700 (levels 1-11) ; 1350 – 3172.5 (levels 1-18)

Jungle Camp Damage Adjusted

The formula behind this is a bit hard to parse, but just know that the damage jungle camps do has gone down a bit at almost every stage of the game. Here’s the full formula for how damage scales:

100/100/120/120/130/130/140/150/180/180/200/220/230/250/260/280/300/300% of base AD >>> 100/100/110/115/120/125/135/145/155/165/180/195/210/225/240/260/280/300% of base AD

Jungle Sustain

  • Health restored on Large Monster kill: 30-166 (up to 2.25x based on missing health) >>> 12% missing health
  • Mana restored on Large Monster kill: 19-87 (up to 2.25x based on missing mana) >>> 20% missing mana

Anti-poaching changes

Essentially, jungle is being changed to be much harder to steal for laners and virtually unchanged for junglers.

  • Jungle item bonus damage to non-Epic Monster: 20 >>> 42
  • Large Monster Armor and MR: 20 >>> 42
  • Small Monster Armor and MR: 0 >>> 20

Lane Minion experience for junglers adjusted

  • Lane Minion experience penalty disable threshold changed: 1.1 levels behind average >>> 1.5 levels behind average
  • Minion Experience Received: 40-75% at minutes 0-14, then 100% >>> 30-100% at minutes 0-20
  • Bugfix: Minion Experience penalty is no longer locked in whenever jungle item is finished

Anti-Snowball Adjustments

Drake’s bonuses have been nerfed across the board in an effort to stop the snowball incurred by dragon stacking, leaving it a bit of a weaker strategy and incentivizing teams to play around topside a bit more often if they want to get the early game snowball rolling.

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That said, Drake Souls have had their power slightly increased to give them more potency late. Chemdrake is untouched.

Epic Monster Changes

Base Drake Bonuses

Cloud Drake

  • 7% slow resistance and out-of-combat movement speed >>> 5% slow resistance and out-of-combat movement speed

Hextech Drake

  • 7.5 ability haste and 7.5% bonus attack speed >>> 5 ability haste and 5% bonus attack speed

Infernal Drake

  • 5% attack damage and ability power >>> 3% attack damage and ability power

Mountain Drake

  • 8% bonus armor and magic resistance >>> 5% bonus armor and magic resistance

Ocean Drake

  • restore 2.5% missing health every 5 seconds >>> restore 2% missing health every 5 seconds

Dragon Soul

Cloud Drake

  • 15% bonus movement speed >>> 20% bonus movement speed

Hextech Drake

  • 40% base slow (30% for ranged) >>> 45% base slow (35% for ranged)

Infernal Drake

  • 80 adaptive damage for explosion >>> 100 adaptive damage for explosion

Mountain Drake

  • 180 base shield >>> 220 base shield

Ocean Drake

  • 130 base heal, 80 base mana regen >>> 150 base heal, 100 base mana regen

Rift Herald

  • Local gold given: 200 >>> 100

Baron Nashor

  • Base Health: 12600 >>> 15000

Death Timer Adjustments

  • Level 1 Death Timer: Unchanged
  • Level 2 Death Timer: 8 seconds ; 6 seconds
  • Level 3 Death Timer: 10 seconds ; 8 seconds
  • Level 4 Death Timer: 12 seconds ; 8 seconds
  • Level 5 Death Timer: 14 seconds ; 10 seconds
  • Level 6 Death Timer: 16 seconds ; 12 seconds
  • Level 7 Death Timer: 21 seconds ; 16 seconds
  • Level 8 Death Timer: 27.5 seconds ; 21 seconds
  • Level 9 Death Timer: 30 seconds ; 26 seconds

Turret Plating

  • Gold per plate: 175 >>> 125

Rune Adjustments

To cap off this massive patch, many of League’s most popular runes are getting hit by the nerf hammer this patch. There are a few buffs to be found, but most of these changes are direct nerfs.

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Arcane Comet

  • Adaptive Damage: 30-100 (based on level) (+35% bonus AD) (+20% AP) >>> 30-130 (based on level) (+10% bonus AD) (+5% AP)


  • Attack Damage per Stack: 1.2 – 2.7 (based on level) bonus AD >>> 1.08 – 2.4 (based on level) bonus AD
  • Ability Power per Stack: 2 – 4.5 (based on level) AP >>> 1.8 – 2.4 (based on level) AP
  • Attack Damage at Maximum Stacks: 14.4 – 32.4 (based on level) bonus AD >>> 12.96 – 28.8 (based on level) bonus AD
  • Ability Power at Maximum Stacks: 24 – 54 (based on level) bonus AP >>> 21.6 – 48 (based on level) bonus AP

Dark Harvest

  • Adaptive Damage: 20-60 (based on level) (+ 5 per Soul) (+25% bonus AD) (+15% AP) >>> 20-80 (based on level) (+ 5 per Soul) (+10% bonus AD) (+5% AP)


  • Damage: 30-180 (based on level) (+40% bonus AD) (+25% AP) >>> 30-220 (based on level) (+10% bonus AD) (+5% AP)

First Strike

  • Bonus True Damage: 9% >>> 8%

Fleet Footwork

  • Heal: 10-100 (based on level) (+30% bonus AD) (+20% AP) >>> 10-130 (based on level) (+10% bonus AD) (+5% AP)

Lethal Tempo

  • Attack Speed per Stack (Melee): 10 – 15% >>> 9 – 13.5%
  • Attack Speed per Stack (Ranged): 4 – 9% >>> 3.6 – 8%

Summon Aery

  • Adaptive Damage: 10-40 (based on level) (+15% bonus AD) (+10% AP) >>> 10-50 (based on level) (+10% bonus AD) (+5% AP)
  • Shield: 30-75 (based on level) (+35% bonus AD) (+22.5% AP) >>> 30-100 (based on level) (+10% bonus AD) (+5% AP)

Taste of Blood

  • Healing: 16-30 (based on level) (+15% bonus AD) (+8% AP) >>> 16-40 (based on level) (+10% bonus AD) (+5% AP)


  • Adaptive Force: 5-30 (based on level) >>> 13-30 (based on level)
  • Movement Speed: 25 >>> 10


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