League of Legends dev reveals the game’s worst matchup once and for all

Blood Moon Kalista Splash ArtRiot Games

A League of Legends developer has answered the long-standing question of what champion match-up is the worst to play in.

Riot’s popular MOBA League of Legends certainly has a lot of different characters. With over 160 unique champions to pick and choose from, there’s bound to be someone for everyone. Each champion also comes with their own unique play style and responsibilities, ensuring everyone finds their niche.

Part of learning League of Legends comes with understanding how your champion interacts with other enemy champions. This knowledge of matchups is vital to win your lane, as you’ll be able to identify the opposing champion’s weaknesses.

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Because of this, there are certain matchups in League of Legends that can feel almost unwinnable. This may be due to the enemy champion massively countering your character, with almost every aspect of their kit beating out yours. While many counters can seem pretty horrible, a Rioter has finally revealed the worst match-up of all time.

Rioter reveals Malphite has the worst matchups in LoL

Reddit users were having a discussion about what they believed was the worst match-up in all of League of Legends. Many had argued the ADC Kalista had some of the worst matchups in the game, especially against anti-dash or slow champions like Vex and Nasus.

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However, Rioter GalaxySmash came in with some stats on Riot’s end which confirmed what the real worst matchup truly was.

“Statistically it’s Malphite versus Sylas. It’s actually 3 of the 4 worst matchups in the game: Malphite v Sylas Top Malphite v Sylas Mid Malphite v Sylas Jungle” the Rioter explained.

Unfortunately, Malphite has the worst matchup in all of League of Legends, spread across three different roles. Malphite who is typically known as an armor stacking tank gets absolutely demolished by Sylas, who deals mainly magic damage. On top of that, Malphite’s ultimate is perfect for Sylas to steal, making the game even worse for the rock.

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