K’Sante gets a full rework less than a year after his League release

K'sante Splash ArtRiot Games

The developers of League of Legends have detailed a huge rework planned for the Shuriman tank K’Sante slated for Patch 13.20.

The Shuriman tank K’sante has been a thorn in the side of Riot ever since his introduction into League of Legends. With high CC and tankiness, the champion is able to swap defense to offense with his ultimate, allowing him to assassinate enemy squishies.

Ever since his introduction, K’sante has held a prominent position in professional play, with many teams opting to pick him up as a flex pick in both top and mid. This is the exact opposite of solo queue, where the champion has struggled, particularly in lower elo.

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Now that the Worlds patch has hit live servers, Riot is attempting to reign K’sante’s problems in further, introducing a full rework to the champ.

Prestige Empyrean K'sante Splash ArtRiot Games
The developers are looking to change up K’sante in Patch 13.20.

The League of Legends developers are changing up almost all parts of K’sante’s kit. His base stats, passive, Q, W, and R abilities are all receiving changes of some form. That said, their base functionality isn’t changing; K’Sante’s abilities will function very similar to before, but the way his abilities scale and interact with each other is getting changed significantly.

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Here are the current K’Sante changes for patch 13.20

K’Sante Rework for LoL Patch 13.20

Base Stats

  • Health changed: 610 + 108 >>> 570 + 115
  • Armor growth increased: 4.7 >>> 5.2

Passive: Dauntless Instincts

  • Passive on-hit damage no longer scales with 20% resists during All Out.

Q: Ntofo Strikes

  • Base damage reduced: 50-150 >>> 30-150
  • K’Sante can no loner flash during third Q’s windup

W: Path Maker

  • Now has a minimum charge time of 0.65 seconds, reduced to 0.5 seconds during All Out.
  • Damage formula changed: 2-8% max enemy HP based on rank and charge >>> (20-100) + 50% total AD + 30% bonus MR & Armor + (6-10%) enemy max HP
  • All Out empowered damage removed
  • Mana cost reduced: 75-95 >>> 60-80
  • Damage reduction increased: 25% at all levels >>> 40-65% based on level
  • All Out empowered damage reduction increased: 30% at all levels >>> 50-75% based on level
  • Stun duration increased: 1.25 seconds at all ranks >>> 0.3-0.5 based on rank
  • All Out empowered cooldown change: 24 – 16 seconds at all times >>> 18 – 12 seconds during All Out

E: Footwork

  • No changes

R: All Out

  • Damage type changed: Physical >>> Magic
  • Normal damage formula changed: 30-105 + 20% total AD physical damage >>> 70-150 + 100% AP magic damage
  • Wall damage formula changed: 150-350 + 20% total AD physical damage >>> 70-150 + 100% AP magic damage
  • Knockback reduced: 350 units >>> 300 units
  • Bonus stats changed:
    • AD: 5 +32.5% bonus resists >>> 15-45 + 25% bonus resists
    • Omnivamp: 10% + 0.75% bonus HP >>> 10-20%
    • Attack Speed: no change >>> 25-45%
  • Reduced health threshold increased: 55% >>> 65%