Insane Teamfight Tactics bug breaks the game by letting Karthus ult repeatedly

Pentakill Karthus Splash ArtRiot Games

An insane Teamfight Tactics bug has completely broken the game by allowing Karthus to cast their ultimate ability repeatedly.

Teamfight Tactics is a pretty complicated and complex game. Not only do you have a bunch of different fieldable units, all with their unique abilities, range, and more, but you’ve got items, augments, portals, and more now in Set 10. Then take the fact that sets also rotate out every so often and it can be hard to keep up with the auto battler.

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With how complex the game can be, it’s no surprise that bugs can crop up from time to time. These bugs can range from being absolutely harmless, all the way to completely breaking the game and giving players an unfair advantage over others.

One player has discovered an insane bug in the newest set of Teamfight Tactics, allowing them to cheat a victory they shouldn’t have gotten otherwise.

TFT pro discovers game-breaking Karthus mana bug

TFT professional player Setsuko was in the middle of a match when they realized that their Karthus was casting their ability far more often than usual. Karthus’ ability in Set 10 sees him channel his ultimate, dealing damage to the 5 lowest health enemies. With an ability this powerful, Karthus has a high mana cost, which means he isn’t able to cast often.

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However, this changed with the bug Setsuko encountered. Instead of having his usual mana, Karthus’ was set to 10. This allowed him to constantly cast his ultimate over and over again, essentially destroying the enemy backline.

This allowed Setsuko to easily win a fight they shouldn’t have, with their Karthus doing the most amount of damage despite not having any items and only being 1 star.

It’s not quite certain what caused this bug but with how often TFT is patched, it’s likely this will be fixed before it can do any long-lasting damage to the game.

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