Fnatic’s Nemesis hits back at “unprofessional” criticism from Bwipo

Riot Games

Fnatic midlaner Tim ‘Nemesis’ Lipovšek has hit back at ‘unprofessional’ public criticism from teammate Gabriel ‘Bwipo’ Rau, after the top laner suggested the team’s underachievements were down to their mid and jungle play.

It’s been a turbulent few days for Fnatic LoL fans, particularly given their all-time most iconic player has left to join their biggest rivals. In fact, it’s been a slightly disappointing year in general. Fnatic reached the LEC finals on both occasions, only to be clean-swept twice by G2. Then, at Worlds, the team suffered the competition’s first-ever reverse sweep in the quarterfinals versus Top Esports.

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On Christian ‘IWillDominate’ Rivera’s panel show, The Crack Down, Bwipo gave his take on the reasons behind Fnatic’s failure to better G2’s achievements in this season’s LEC and at Worlds.

Bwipo suggested Fnatic should have ditched their mid-jungle combo of Selfmade and Nemesis, particularly because of Selfmade’s inability to ‘play selflessly’. He then said: “This ends in me having a team that I don’t really like. I didn’t feel like our team was connected whatsoever.”

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Nemesis responds to Bwipo

Nemesis took time on his stream to address Bwipo’s criticism of himself and Selfmade in Fnatic’s struggles this year. He said: “I don’t do those things, it’s super unprofessional. I don’t go into public and talk sh*t about other people from my team.”

The episode’s VOD has yet to be officially released. This wasn’t the only debate that has been sparked from it either, and Bwipo has retrospectively condemned comments made on the show about Korean culture.

It’s unlikely we’re going to be seeing Nemesis play for Fnatic ever again, anyway, as the off-season roster merry-go-round is truly underway. Having been replaced by Perkz at Cloud9, Nisqy is rumored to be Fnatic’s new mid, meaning Nemesis is likely on the way out.

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With Rekkles already out the door, it’s going to be interesting to see who Fnatic bring in as his replacement too.

Fans will be hoping the new lineup can achieve big things and perhaps even provide a shock challenger to G2 Esports’ superteam. With Perkz having departed, which could cause teething issues, Fnatic will be looking to develop a team that can hit the ground running.