FlyQuest Josedeodo explains why coming to the LCS was the “right decision”

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FlyQuest was a very promising team through the Summer Split, and an impressive regular season roster despite being knocked out early in the Playoffs. We sat down with FlyQuest jungler Brandon ‘Josedeodo’ Villegas to ask about his time in the LCS so far, as well as his hopes for 2023.

We don’t yet know if this team will be sticking together through 2023, but Josedeodo certainly seemed confident and cheery this post-season despite getting knocked out of the Playoffs.

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Josedeodo told us about how he doesn’t regret coming to NA, as well as what he’s learned through playing in the LCS for 2 years. His answers were incredibly humble, candid, and illuminating as to how much he values his teammates.

FlyQuest is one of the best teams in the LCS (sometimes)

FlyQuest was seen as one of the most improved teams over the course of the 2022 LCS. And, though they fell off in the end, FlyQuest’s highs this season put them back on the map as a top-end LCS team.

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However, FlyQuest has some serious issues with inconsistency. They would sometimes have 2-0 weeks against top LCS teams. Other weeks, they’d go 0-2 against bottom teams.

This team is capable of great things, but consistency was a real issue through Summer. We asked Josedeodo if he had any thoughts on where that inconsistency may have come from now that the Summer Split is over.

“I would say some of our games are lost because we aren’t playing the same as scrims. You have games where we’re 20 kills to 20 kills, fighting everything, and then you have games where we’re playing into TSM and losing with 0 kills, we aren’t doing anything. I think there’s a lot of stuff going on with us sometimes.”

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“It’s stuff that, if you don’t fix at the right time, things go really bad. The same thing happened in the TL series. We beat them in the first game, we fight everything, then the next 3 games in a row we just don’t do anything.”

“I think it’s a problem we can solve, but it will take us time.”

Time is something that FlyQuest have a wealth of now that the regular season is over, and time is something FlyQuest have used well with how much they’ve evolved in 2022.

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Josedeodo and the need to evolve or die

Going into 2021, when he first joined the LCS, Josedeodo was a heavily hyped jungler. He was one of the best players in LATAM, and was a star player for Rainbow7 at Worlds in 2020. Expectations were high, but results in the LCS have been mixed.

However, Josedeodo has been able to have a great deal of staying power as one of FlyQuest’s premiere players. Even if FlyQuest haven’t quite made it to the top of the LCS yet, Josedeodo feels like he’s improved massively.

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“I’m way more confident as a player. At the start of the year, when I started in FlyQuest I was really confident. But throughout the 2021 Season, I really went down in confidence because we started losing a lot.”

“Even if we didn’t end up in the best position [in 2022], I think I did a really good job compared to last year. Of course, I could do better, and that’s what I’m working on right now. But I also believe I’ve improved a lot, and I can improve more if I keep pushing myself to do better.”

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There is one curse in particular Josedeodo is set on breaking, however: “I’d like to break this curse of me not winning in Playoffs. It seems like— at one point I may say it’s not my fault, but I still lose, you know? So something is wrong.”

And, after asking about his time in LATAM, it was clear pushing himself to do better was Josedeodo’s main goal from the start. When asked how he felt about coming to the LCS now that he’s been here for a while, Josedeodo didn’t have many regrets.

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“I think, watching back at my past 2 years, when I lose, I will be like, ‘maybe I should have stayed’. But I look at how much I grew up and how much I learned throughout the season, and I look at how much the players who win in the region don’t learn from staying there. Maybe I made the right decision, and I’m happy with it.”

“That stuff that you learn here, you’re not gonna learn in 3 years over there. Stuff that I learn in months here, you know? And, for me, playing with better junglers makes me a better jungler and a better player.”

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He reflected on what things may have been like if he stayed in LATAM. “For me, it’s a lot of, like— If you look back at the results, I might win if I stay at home, you know? But am I gonna be better for winning? I don’t think so. For me, it’s important to look at the big mark, not only the wins.”

Josedeodo is the kind of player that likes to look at the big picture in more ways that one, a philosophy that paid dividends when it came to building a better FlyQuest roster through 2022.

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Josedeodo isn’t worried about MVP, he’s just playing the game

It’s hard to talk about modern FlyQuest without bringing up mid laner Loïc ‘toucouille‘ Dubois. It’s undeniable that toucouille’s had a massive impact on FlyQuest as one of the best mid laners in the LCS.

However, there’s a lot we don’t see from the outside looking in. Not to mention, junglers are often a massive part of success for mid laners.

toucouille can’t carry games on his own, and behind every play is a decision from someone on FlyQuest. Be it toucouille or someone else calling the shots.

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With Josedeodo being a loud voice on the team, we wanted to ask him about the ways in which he contributes to toucouille’s play and whether he feels like he gets underestimated as a result of the mid’s standout performances.

“I don’t really need any credit for myself. In my ways, I do the job for the team that I think we need. When we started playing with Philip, I’d usually cover him a lot with ganks or where he has to move, how he has to play around the wave. I was covering him a lot of the time that people might not know, and I don’t expect anyone to know it because that’s for us, for the team.”

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Josedeodo went in-depth on the topic of helping Philip develop during an interview with the LCS team. He works toward creating a great environment for players, effort that’s invaluable when it comes to a FlyQuest roster that’s still developing in hopes of taking the LCS by storm in 2023.

“I just do what the team needs to do better, you know? So, in that sense, I don’t really need any credit. Any player will do anything they need to be better as a team. I feel like it’s your job. If you do it properly, you will shine eventually.”

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