Fiddlesticks update will make the League of Legends Champion “terrifying”

Riot GamesRiot Games

Riot Games have revealed more information about Fiddlesticks’ visual and gameplay update, which was promised after the scarecrow won the ‘Champion Update’ vote in early 2019.

League of Legends first released in 2009 and over 10 years later some Champions have yet to see any major visual or gameplay changes.

This leaves them looking and feeling outdated, so Riot Games decided to host a poll in early 2019 to see which ones they should update first. Initially, there could only be one winner, but Fiddlesticks and Volibear ended being so close in votes that they were both chosen.

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Riot GamesRiot Games
Fiddlesticks is one of League of Legends’ oldest Champions.

Up to this point, not much was known about the upcoming changes, but Riot have dropped a bunch of new info. “Our goal with updating Fiddlesticks is to transform it into the most terrifying Champion in League of Legends” they began, before adding in more detail about how they would make that happen in-game.

“We want Fiddle to be the iconic ambush champion, with a kit centered around the concept of fear. This goes deeper than just a point-click status effect, [but] that is staying on the kit.”

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Riot clearly want to build on what makes Fiddle so great – he appears out of nowhere and deals mass damage and can easily disable an enemy. In fact, they’ve even gone as far as to say they are “giving Fiddle new mechanics build around its iconic Crowstorm.”

Riot GamesRiot Games
Riot Games new Fiddlesticks design is definitely hitting the “terrifying” factor.

Judging by the newly released images fear is definitely the name of the game for the new Fiddlesticks. His twitchy and disfigured design is like a horror movie, fitting Riot’s aim to make him almost a jump scare.

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The company have also hinted at some more of his mechanics stating that “experienced Fiddlesticks players will wreak mental havoc on their victims as they question what is real and what is a terrifying effigy.”

This suggests the Champion will feature some deceptive abilities, however not much more has been revealed about his gameplay.

Riot have also released some early videos of his new model and abilities. So far not much has been revealed other than his ultimate, but that does seem to fit their goal as the animation is actually quite creepy.

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With what we’ve seen so far it’s safe to say that fans of Fiddlesticks will definitely be in for a treat when the updates are released.