Esports host Sjokz announces LEC break to focus on mental health

Sjokz takes a break from the LECWojciech Wandzel/Riot Games

Veteran esports host and League of Legends icon Sjokz has chosen to step back from her job with the LEC for a while, citing burnout and personal matters as the reason for her break.

Sjokz has been a host, interviewer, and staple figure in the competitive League of Legends community for over a decade. There are few people who can boast that they’ve been working that long within the esports broadcasting space.

As such, fans of the LEC broadcast and big League of Legends events like MSI and Worlds are used to seeing and hearing her at LoL’s most important moments.

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In recent years, Sjokz has diversified her portfolio and taken hosting jobs within other esports. But with that has come even more work, enough that she’s chosen to step away from the LEC Summer split and focus on herself for a while to rest up and get ready for the biggest events in CS and Worlds 2023.

Sjokz steps away from the LEC 2023 Summer split

When it comes to the LEC broadcast, Sjokz has almost done it all. Hosting, interviewing, coming up with broadcast skits, monologues that amp up big player narratives; she creates and collaborates on a ton of content for the LEC.

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This has left fans of the show sad to hear that she’s stepping away from the LEC Summer split, though many have voiced their support for the veteran broadcaster after hearing the reasons why she chose to step away.

Sjokz spoke about how the combination of burnout and personal tragedy has taken a toll on her, and that she’s choosing to step away even if it was an “especially difficult” decision to make.

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That said, she isn’t stepping away from broadcasting entirely. She’s hoping to host some Counter-Strike events, the LEC Season Finals, and eventually Worlds 2023.

The community response has been extremely positive, with fellow members of the broadcast, fans, and other figures in the esports community voicing their support. Sentiment toward her break is overwhelmingly in favor of her taking as much time as she needs to recover.