Doublelift reportedly playing for 100 Thieves in LCS 2023

doublelift 100 thieves LCS 2023Riot Games

Doublelift’s return to pro play has been a long awaited one by fans of the all-time NA great. While it isn’t set in stone quite yet, reports have indicated that Doublelift will be coming out of retirement to play for 100 Thieves.

It’s been a busy day for 100 Thieves. With reports that they’ll be holding on to jungler Can ‘Closer’ Çelik and acquiring mid laner Søren ‘Bjergsen’ Bjerg going into 2023, they were already building their roster upon a strong foundation.

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Many LCS teams are pulling out all the stops and picking up what have been reported to be stacked rosters with veteran talent, 100 Thieves have certainly followed suit.

In a surprise twist that’s on par with MaRin coming out of retirement to coach TL, reports have indicated that Yiliang ‘Doublelift’ Peng, one of the best performing ADCs in LCS history, is making his return to pro play.

Doublelift could be returning to pro play in 2023

Even having retired after playing for TSM in the 2020 Summer Split, Doublelift has almost 10 years of experience in pro play. He’s a veteran of veterans, and a player that has remained relevant in high level play despite his absence from the big stage.

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He’s been on par with, if not better than most ADCs that have been grinding away at Champions Queue during its active hours, and has consistently shown that he’s still a strong player.

If the report from LEC Wooloo comes to fruition, Doublelift will have the chance to prove that he still has what it takes to compete and take down every other ADC in the region.

His comeback is slated to be with 100 Thieves, putting Bjergsen and Doublelift back together as the players that defined TSM’s LCS glory days.

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Whether or not this 29 year old ADC can replicate the same success he had back in the day remains to be seen.