Doublelift reportedly eyes LCS return for 2023 after two-year break

Riot Games

LCS veteran and NA’s most-heralded AD carry of all time, Yiliang ‘Doublelift’ Peng, is reportedly eyeing a return to professional League of Legends in 2023. It comes after the former TSM, CLG, and Team Liquid star retired from pro play at the end of 2020.

Doublelift’s retirement in 2020 bookended a chapter of League of Legends history. The eight-time LCS winner stepped out on stage for the last time at Worlds 2020, and has since moved into full-time streaming.

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However the competitive itch is still there, and 2023 might be the year it’s scratched.

Doublelift “has been talking with several LCS teams” according to journalist Brieuc Seeger, and potentially eyeing a return to pro play.

It’s not the first time Doublelift has tempted a reunion tour. He was reportedly exploring his options in 2022, but needed to be alongside a top-tier support for it to go through.

He’s spoken about a return previously as well: “I have the urge. I very frequently get the urge to compete because it is something that is so romanticized in our minds, and it is really fulfilling,” he said in March.

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“I still think I can… I think Bjergsen had the best take possible, when he came back he told his team, ‘Guys, I’ve been out of it for a year. I’m not gonna be that good, but I promise that I can get really good, I just need some time.’ I think that is the right mindset.”

Doublelift replied to Seeger’s report with a simple “who asked” on Twitter. 

Whether the 29-year-old returns for one last hurrah remains to be seen, but after a devastating Worlds 2022 run for the LCS, it could take a veteran spirit like his to reinvigorate the region.

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