Doublelift claims Riot Games, LCS blocked Bjergsen from playing in MrBeast event

bjergsen tsmTina Jo / Riot Games

Former professional player and current streamer Peter “Doublelift” Peng said on stream that Riot Games and the League of Legends Championship Series “blocked” Team Liquid mid laner Søren “Bjergsen” Bjerg from competing in MrBeast’s the LoL Ultimate Crown match.

The event was a best-of-three match put on by MrBeast and Ninja as a $150,000 charity competition that saw both creators create their own teams featuring former LCS player each and other streamers like Ludwig.

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In MrBeast’s event, Doublelift played on Ninja’s team, and on his stream following the event the former LCS champions was asked if he had any comments on the rumor that Bjergsen was blocked from playing in the match by Riot Games.

“Don’t even get me started on that,” Doublelift said. “That is one of the dumbest things I’ve ever f****** heard and that rumor is basically confirmed.”

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He went on to say that he heard from multiple people that the Danish LCS veteran was barred from participating in the charity match and that Bjergsen was supposed to play with MrBeast.

Doublelift expressed his frustration at the decision, explaining how Bjergsen’s presence at the event could have helped the LCS’s dwindling viewership.

The content creator was also seemingly told to not talk about the topic by someone in the background, but he continued on saying that people needed to know.

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The LCS was on a week break while the MrBeast event was held on July so the Team Liquid mid laner could have theoretically competed at the event.

LCS caster Clayton “CaptainFlowers” Raines commentated the Las Vegas event as well.

The event concluded with a sweep on MrBeast’s side over Doublelift and Ninja’s team as almost 100,000 concurrent viewers watch the series and $200,000 were donated to charity.