Cloud9 set to replace Fudge with LCK prodigy after disappointing LCS results

Thanatos set to join Cloud9 replace FudgeLCK/Riot Games

According to a report from Sheep Esports, Cloud9 is picking up DPlus KIA’s Thanatos to replace Fudge to try and get at the first-place finish C9 wanted in Spring.

Fudge was a player that received heavy criticism from both analysts and fellow LCS pros for his performance in Spring 2024, so being replaced going into Summer isn’t all that shocking. However, the person who’s set to take his place is much more of a surprise.

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According to a report from Sheep Esports, DPlus KIA top lane prodigy Thanatos will be getting picked up by Cloud9. Though the agreement has yet to be officially inked, the player and team have a verbal agreement and it’s looking likely the move goes through.

Thanatos has been a hot prospect for a while, with him getting two MVP awards in the LCK CL and a possible shot at top laning for DPlus KIA’s LCK roster proper this year. However, he’s been inactive on their Challengers roster for the last few months despite his stellar performance.

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It seems that he was waiting for the right opportunity to make his major league debut, and Cloud9 is likely to be that team.

Thanatos is an extremely stable top laner who plays meta picks like K’Sante, Renekton, Gnar, and Jax well regardless of whether or not he gets attention from his jungler. Considering that Cloud9 is stacked with strong carry players, having someone who’s a consistent rock in the top lane would be a huge boon for the team.

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What’s more, Sheep Esports also claimed that now-former Cloud9 head coach Mithy would be getting replaced by Reapered, a tenured coach who had a four year stint with Cloud9 alongside his other coaching exploits. His signing makes a lot of sense.

With Cloud9 posting a variety of gifs of them setting everything on fire, it remains to be seen if the team decides to make any more drastic roster changes, or if they think that the rest of the team is worth holding on to.

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