Caps explains surprising reason for League of Legends role-swap

Caps on stage in a G2 Esports jersey at the LEC.Riot Games

G2 Esports League of Legends star Rasmus ‘Caps’ Winther has revealed that he role swapped to bot lane so that Luka ‘Perkz’ Perković could have more fun.

Ahead of the 2019 season, Caps was involved in arguably the most surprising roster change of the offseason when he left Fnatic, who had dominated in Europe and reached the finals of the 2018 World Championship, to join G2 Esports, with Perkz role-swapping to bot lane to make room for him in mid.

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Coming into this year, Caps was once again involved in one of the more surprising moves, although this time he didn’t leave his Worlds finalist team. Instead, G2 announced that Perkz was moving back to the mid lane, and it would now be Caps role-swapping to AD Carry.

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G2 Esports became the first EU team to win MSI in 2019.

The change came as a surprise to many fans, not least because G2’s set-up for the 2019 season had produced arguably the most successful season for a European team ever, winning both LEC splits, the Mid-Season Invitational, and reaching the finals of the World Championship.

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During a recent stream, Caps explained why the team chose to make the change for the new season, and it seems that the decision may have been less about specific strategy, and more about having fun.

“The thing is AD Carry is probably less fun than mid-lane as a role, because you basically play to survive while the mid lane makes plays. So just playing it all day every day can get a bit too much, and obviously Perkz was playing it for a full year. I think him being back on mid lane will be a lot more fun for him, and if it’s more fun for him I think we’ll have a stronger team.”

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Of course, it’s hard to be sure how serious Caps is about his and the team’s motives, with G2 being notorious for trolling both in-game and out. Having said that, the team have repeatedly stated that fostering a good atmosphere in the squad and having fun while practicing and competing is a core element to their success.

The change certainly doesn’t seem to have done G2 Esports much harm in the opening weeks of LEC Spring 2020. In Caps’ very first professional game in the bot lane he actually broke an international record, and after two weeks of play G2 are the only team in the league undefeated at 4-0.

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