Caedrel proves co-streaming paid off as Worlds 2023 shatters his viewership record

Caedrel costreaming pays offMichal Konkol/Riot Games

Caedrel made the move from casting and streaming part-time to going independent as a full-time streamer, and it’s a move that seems to have paid off. He’s broken his own viewership records by a significant margin through his Worlds 2023 co-streams.

Co-streaming has become an increasingly popular way to watch esports events, with people often enjoying watching matches along with their favorite personality much more than the main broadcast.

Caedrel was a special case, however. He’d co-stream LPL and LCK matches and work on the LEC broadcast, giving him appeal as both a co-streamer and caster but also giving him an incredibly rigorous work schedule.

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Ultimately, Caedrel chose to retire from casting and pick co-streaming, a venture that was much more lucrative and gave him more time to focus on his personal life and building relationships outside of work. As it’d turn out, however, this was just the move he needed to really blossom as a creator, proven by his viewership during Worlds 2023.

Caedrel dominates Worlds 2023 co-streaming space

Considering that Caedrel pulled anywhere from 5-10k average co-stream viewers during LCK and LPL matches, it wouldn’t have been surprising to see him do well for Worlds 2023. Getting co-streaming rights for an event this big is a privilege given to few creators, and those who earn them really take advantage of the opportunity.

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However, what wasn’t expected was Caedrel reaching nearly 100k viewers when other big co-streamers like Doublelift and IWDominate are sitting around 12-15k. Tens of thousands of viewers is nothing to scoff at for other co-streamers, but it really puts Caedrel’s meteoric success in perspective.

With the help of a main broadcast mention, Caedrel peaked at over 94k live viewers during the Weibo vs. G2 match, making it his most-viewed stream by far. Though it doesn’t seem like Caedrel was expecting the broadcast to call him out on wearing a Weibo jersey under his G2 one.

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His move to co-streaming hasn’t just made him one of the biggest streamers in the space, it’s made him one of the most viewed streamers on Twitch as a whole.

It surely helps that the insanity of the G2 vs. Weibo match has put it up there as many fans’ favorite match at Worlds so far, but Caedrel’s investment in both teams made him a core part of the match’s storyline. Even if he ultimately betrayed the LEC by swapping sides mid-match.

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Joking aside, it’s been made abundantly clear that his choice to step away from the main broadcast has made him a co-streamer the likes of which can rival other big co-streamers like Ibai and Tarik.

What’s more, even the pros know about Caedrel’s transition to content creation.

Even TheShy, a player he’s a big fan of and that’s part of a rivalry between Caedrel and fellow co-streamer IWDominate, has heard the original rap song he released rooting for Weibo Gaming. It isn’t hard to see why Caedrel’s succeeding.

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As Caedrel would put it, “Smoke the doubters, the whole pack.”